Never Knew What love is till I met a stranger.
Posted on : 30-12-2016 | By : admin | In : Romance Love Story
My story about love and life is something that everyone can relate too. Its about the best days of my life. Read it and see if u have done something same at any point of life.
It all started when I completed my college and moved to Delhi India for Internship. These were the first days that I felt So Independent and carefree and This all started on the day when i was coming back from a office party and could not go back to my hotel as I was late. I asked aanchal my hostel friend to pick me up with her boyfriend shivam after party as i had no other place. And Aanchal confirmed that we can go clubbing after the party. So as planned she came to pick me up at the party with her boyfriend and his friend named Aditiya. As I sat in the car, I saw this guy sitting next to me. I didn’t pay any attention to him initially and started talking to my friend aanchal and Shivam.
They told me the we are going to Urban Pind ( Club in Delhi) As I was new in Delhi, I found everything so much fun. After we reached there we danced a little and then i told aanchal that i want to sit for a while. And she gave me a thumbs up so I went and sat on the sofa. And Aanchal friend Aditya followed me and sat next me. He asked me if he can buy me a drink and i said no I don’t drink later he said even I don’t drink , Just asking for a cold drink. When i denied he insisted to buy so went he went and brought that for me. I was enjoying myself so much that i hardly talked to aditiya and busy noticing how other people were falling boozing , Dancing and falling down. As the night went on all four of us headed towards 24/7 To eat something at lajpat nagar. I was having a good time like never before, It was my first ever night out and then around 4:30am we dropped aditiya back to his home and all three of us went to Star Coffee Cafe at Noida and sat there till our hostel gate reopened.
After i reached my room, I went straight to sleep for 8 hours but felt so happy after a wonderful night. My best friend Payal, who was also my roommate was not there as she was on a vacation with her friends to mussoorie. So I was all alone in the room. When I woke up after I hearing aanachal banging on the door. She came in and asked me to get ready as she wanted me to join them for dinner a pandara road and i denied as I had to Go and Pick my bestie from Airport.
The next day Aanchal boyfriend called me and said that he need a treat from me as my internship turned into a job. And I could not deny it. My bestie was not very happy with me going out with them. But I told her that everything is okie and i need to give them a treat, They came and Pick me up and we went to Pandara Road for dinner. It had beautiful restaurants with nice ambience. So we had nice dinner and when the bill arrived, Aditiya didn’t let me pay. I found it little strange as it was me who was supposed to give a party not him.
Day 4 – Aanchal called me at work and asked me to come with them to World of wonder amusement park, I thought i should say NO but I also started having a good time with them. I called my best friend and told her that again I am planning to go out with them and she straightly told me that Aanachal and her boyfriend is trying to fix me with Aditiya . But i said there is nothing like that and went with them to worlds of wonder. And had a gala time. Later in the evening we decided to go to huka parlour in sec 18 Noida. I asked aanchal to call my bestie Payal as well to join us there.
So we went and picked payal from the hostel and took her to the huka place. She felt uncomfortable and didn’t like aditiya trying the get closer to me. That day i also realised that whatever payal was saying is right. But i liked to went with the flow. But the twist in the story comes here, i was in a relationship with someone Vaibhav from last one year. He was my school friend and later he proposed me and i said yes at that point of time because he was a great friend. But i was not very happy with him so i always use to make excuses for not meeting him. He was a super possessive guy. But he was crazily in love with me. After me reached home after the wonderful day, Payal told me that this is not happening and I am cheating vaibhav and aditiya as they both don’t know about each other. And I tried to convince her that She already knew my feeling about vaibhav and i don’t like him. And i can make more friends. There is nothing bad in it. But she didn’t agree to it.
Day5 – Next day Aanchal asked me and payal to her boyfriend home is empty and we all can go and stay there at night and have a party. Before i could say no payal agreed to it to my surprise. Aanchal picked us up after work and we all went to her boyfriend place. There was aditiya and his brother Rohit and Sargun his brother`s girlfriend. Aanachal talked me privately about aditiya liking towards me. And i got worried because of vaibhav. I didn’t wanted to cheat him. So i told aanachal everything about vaibhav. She was very happy because i shared it with her, and told me that we have got one life to be happy. If we are not happy in any relationship, we should quit that and move on. But somewhere in my heart i knew its not gonna be easy, Vaibhav wont let me go. And neither would payal do. That evening Aanchal boyfriend shivam asked me and aditiya to get flavoured Milk for them. It was around 10:30 at night. I now know that they just wanted us to spend some alone time. But payal said she will join us too. So we went to nereby market but couldn’t get milk. Aditiya asked me for chocolate and i said no. And payal said yes. And we came back home. Shivam insisted us to go and get the milk from far away place. By now payal felt everything what was happening and so did I. But I too wanted to spend time with aditiya. Aanchal insisted payal to stay with them. As we went outside and in the car i told aditiya that things are not easy in my life, I told him that i know what is happening but it wont be easy. Aditiya then said that he likes me and want to spend his life with me. I couldn’t stop myself telling him everything about vaibhav. And i can never forgot his reply back to me. Aditiya said. If u are not happy no1 can let you stay and i am with you whatever happens. We came back home and As soon as i left the room I remember aanachal asking aditiya about what happened and did he said that to me. And Aditiya said yes.
Day6- Next day morning when we reached home, Payal was not properly talking to me. And was upset about the previous night. About how Aanchal didn’t wanted her to go out with us etc. And i told her everything that aditiya told he and she got really angry and called one of mine and vaibhav`s very close friend ruchika to come and stay with us. I knew what was going to happen. Ruchika has been in school and college with me forever, Payal told her everything what was happening, And ruchika went mad on me like how can i do this, how can i cheat vaibhav. They called aanachal as well and told her everything about me and vaibhav and they tried their best to convince aanchal to convince aditiya to step back. I told them that unlike others I am not looking for two timing and I called vaibhav and told him everything. He was quite in the beginning. On the other side aanchal called shivam and aditiya and told them about whatever happened. I stood there alone. Without my bestest friends and No1 to stand by me.
And suddenly i receive a call from aditiya that he wants to meet me and standing outside to pick me up. He said I know what is happening. Your friends want you to stay with them and vaibhav forever, doesn’t matter you are happy or not. I just came here to tell you that I like you and will stand by you No matter what. I called vaibhav infront of him on speaker and said everything that i am been telling him for a year. Vaibhav used to fight with me if i wore short dresses. Would never let me go to a office party or talk to my friends at night and many other things.
That night I thought that everything is so strange. Friends that I had forever, stood with them whenever they did anything wrong like a wall is not with me and a stranger whom I met hardly a week before is there. At that Point of time i decided that I will do whatever my heart wants.
Day 7- Aanchal was not very happy now with me and vaibhav getting together after all the discussion with payal and ruchika. But just because Shivam knew how much aditiya liked me he wanted to us to get together. So Aanchal asked me out for the college fest happening in her college s with shivam, aditiya, Rohit and Sargun and without asking payal I said yes. We went there and Aditiya wanted to show me his college, so we went for a walk. Where he asked me about what happened and that i look so quite today. I told him that i wanted to talk to him about vaibhav but he stopped me saying it doesn’t matter to me. All matters to him is me. I could see a purity in his eyes. But as everyone said Delhi guys are not good, I was very scared. Sargun his brothers girlfriend told me that its gonna be the best decision in my life if i say yes to aditiya bhaiya. Later We stayed at shivam place at night coz i dint wanted to talk to Payal and ruchika.
Day 8- We went to Barista in Sec 18 Noida. Aditiya came to pick me up. As soon as i was about to sit in his car, there was a rose on the seat. He said thats because he likes me, Then at sec 18 we moved to shivam car and there were more roses on the seat and aditiya said thats because we are friends. I knew he going to propose me. Then at barista the waiter came and gave me roses one after another. I felt so shy and special like never before. Then we decided to go to Urban pind and there he proposed me saying that he feel in love with me the first time he saw me. I didn’t knew what to say and kept quite for so long. After i saw his sad face and watery eyes, I said yes and he side hugged me with joy. That gave shivers in my body, Shivam, aanchal, Rohit and sargun was very happy to hear that. We then went somewhere and he gave me bouquet of roses and proposed me again. Then late at night we went to shivam place to sleep and he said bye that he will go to his place and sleep. And he again asked if he hug me but just because i was so shy he side hugged me and kissed on my forehead and went.
Day 9- When I reached home with so many flowers, payal was sure of whatever happened. sHe didn’t say anything and told he that she is happy. I was glad to know that. Later me and aditiya planned for a movie alone and lunch. We had a great time, I got to know that aanchal and payal made vaibhav talked to shivam on phone. They planned it against me. I never thought payal could do something like this. I was really heartbroken to know that. Shivam talked to vaibhav on phone. But soon after the conversation he realized that how dominating he is and Vaibhav threatened him that he will brings his friends for a flight and lots of things. Shivam called aditiya and told him everything. And also told him that They are trying there best to make me stop. Shivam called me his sister and said He would do everything to make me stay. Shivam and aditiya both started hating payal. Aditiya told me what payal did, I could not stop crying. But it made me more strong and I loved aditiya way much more. I was blessed and couldn’t thank god enough to found someone like aditiya.
Thanks for reading my story and Trust me its good to Trust in Love. Time and place doesn’t matter. Love at first sight exist. Believe in Love and give your life a chance. Aditiya has given me the best days of my Life. Those were even better than my dreams. Never knew what love is till I met Aditiya
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