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Welcome to the Love Story Blog of Love-Sessions.

Do you have a special love story? Actually every love story is great. How does it begin, what did it take, who was involved and how did it end if it ended.

Hollywood's best movies are love stories! We are eager to read yours or maybe you are just eager to read others.  Maybe one of the producers of Hollywood is reading your story and what a story that would be!

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Never Knew What love is till I met a stranger.

Posted on : 30-12-2016 | By : admin | In : Romance Love Story


My story about love and life is something that everyone can relate too. Its about the best days of my life.  Read it and see if u have done something same at any point of life.

It all started when I completed my college and moved to Delhi India for Internship. These were the first days that I felt So Independent and carefree and This all started on the day when i was coming back from a office party and could not go back to my hotel as I was late. I asked aanchal  my hostel friend to pick me up with her boyfriend shivam after party as i had no other place. And Aanchal confirmed that we can go clubbing after the party. So as planned she came to pick me up at the party with her boyfriend and his friend named Aditiya.  As I sat in the car, I saw this guy sitting next to me. I didn’t pay any attention to him initially and started talking to my friend aanchal and Shivam.

They told me the we are going to Urban Pind  ( Club in Delhi) As I was new in Delhi, I found everything so much fun. After we reached there we danced a little and then i told aanchal that i want to sit for a while. And she gave me a thumbs up so I went and sat on the sofa. And Aanchal friend Aditya followed me and sat next me. He asked me if he can buy me a drink and i said no I don’t drink later he said even I don’t drink , Just asking for a cold drink. When i denied he insisted to buy so went he went and brought that for me.  I was enjoying myself so much that i hardly talked to aditiya and busy noticing how other people were falling boozing , Dancing and falling down. As the night went on all four of us headed towards 24/7 To eat something at lajpat nagar. I was having a good time like never before, It was my first ever night out and then around 4:30am we dropped aditiya  back to his home and all three of us went to Star Coffee Cafe at Noida and sat there till our hostel  gate reopened.

After i reached my room, I went straight to sleep for 8 hours but felt so happy after a wonderful night. My best friend Payal, who was also my roommate was not there as she was on a vacation with her friends to mussoorie. So I was all alone in the room. When I woke up after I hearing aanachal banging on the door. She came in and asked me to get ready as she wanted me to join them for dinner a pandara road and i denied as I had to Go and Pick my bestie from Airport.

The next day Aanchal boyfriend called me and said that he need a treat from me as my internship turned into a job. And I could not deny it. My bestie was not very happy with me going out with them. But I told her that everything is okie and i need to give them a treat, They came and Pick me up and we went to Pandara Road for dinner. It had beautiful restaurants with nice ambience. So we had nice dinner and when the bill arrived,  Aditiya didn’t let me pay. I found it little strange as it was me who was supposed to give a party not him.

Day 4 –  Aanchal called me at work and asked me to come with them to World of wonder amusement park, I thought i should say NO but I also started having a good time with them. I called my best friend and told her that again I am planning to go out with them and she straightly told me that Aanachal and her boyfriend is trying to fix me with Aditiya . But i said there is nothing like that and went with them to worlds of wonder. And had a gala time. Later in the evening we decided to go to huka parlour in sec 18 Noida. I asked aanchal to call my bestie Payal as well to join us there.

So we went and picked payal from the hostel and took her to the huka place.   She felt uncomfortable and didn’t like aditiya trying the get closer to me. That day i also realised that whatever payal was saying is right. But i liked to went with the flow. But the twist in the story comes here, i was in a relationship with someone Vaibhav from last one year. He was my school friend and later he proposed me and i said yes at that point of time because he was a great friend. But i was not very happy with him so i always use to make excuses for not meeting him. He was a super possessive guy. But he was crazily in love with me. After me reached home after the wonderful day, Payal told me that this is not happening and I am cheating vaibhav and aditiya as they both don’t know about each other. And I tried to convince her that She already knew my feeling about vaibhav and i don’t like him. And i can make more friends. There is nothing bad in it. But she didn’t agree to it.

Day5 – Next day Aanchal asked me and payal to her boyfriend home is empty and we all can go and stay there at night and have a party. Before i could say no payal agreed to it to my surprise. Aanchal picked us up after work and we all went to her boyfriend place. There was aditiya and his brother Rohit and Sargun his brother`s girlfriend. Aanachal talked me privately about aditiya liking towards me. And i got worried because of vaibhav. I didn’t wanted to cheat him. So i told aanachal everything about vaibhav. She was very happy because i shared it with her, and told me that we have got one life to be happy. If we are not happy in any relationship, we should quit that and move on. But somewhere in my heart i knew its not gonna be easy, Vaibhav wont let me go. And neither would payal do. That evening Aanchal boyfriend shivam asked me and aditiya to get flavoured Milk for them. It was around 10:30 at night. I now know that they just wanted us to spend some alone time. But payal said she will join us too. So we went to nereby market but couldn’t get milk. Aditiya asked me for chocolate and i said no. And payal said yes. And we came back home.  Shivam insisted us to go and get the milk from far away place. By now payal felt everything what was happening and so did I. But I too wanted to spend time with aditiya. Aanchal insisted payal to stay with them. As we went outside and  in the car i told aditiya that things are not easy in my life, I told him that i know what is happening but it wont be easy. Aditiya then said that he likes me and want to spend his life with me. I couldn’t stop myself telling him everything about vaibhav. And i can never forgot his reply back to me. Aditiya said. If u are not happy no1 can let you stay and i am with you whatever happens. We came back home and As soon as i left the room I remember aanachal asking aditiya about what happened and did he said that to me. And Aditiya said yes.

Day6- Next day morning when we reached home, Payal was not properly talking to me. And was upset about the previous night. About how Aanchal didn’t wanted her to go out with us etc. And i told her everything that aditiya told he and she got really angry and called one of mine and vaibhav`s very close friend ruchika to come and stay with us. I knew what was going to happen. Ruchika has been in school and college with me forever,  Payal told her everything what was happening, And ruchika went mad on me like how can i do this, how can i cheat vaibhav. They called aanachal as well and told her everything about me and vaibhav and they tried their best to convince aanchal to convince aditiya to step back. I told them that unlike others I am not looking for two timing and I called vaibhav and told him everything. He was quite in the beginning. On the other side aanchal called shivam and aditiya and told them about whatever happened. I stood there alone. Without my bestest friends and No1 to stand by me.

And suddenly i receive a call from aditiya that he wants to meet me and standing outside to pick me up. He said I know what is happening. Your friends want you to stay with them and vaibhav forever, doesn’t matter you are happy or not. I just came here to tell you that I like you and will stand by you No matter what. I called vaibhav infront of him on speaker and said everything that i am been telling him for a year. Vaibhav used to fight with me if i wore short dresses. Would never let me go to a office party or talk to my friends at night and many other things.

That night I thought that everything is so strange. Friends that I had forever, stood with them whenever they did anything wrong like a wall is not with me and a stranger whom I met hardly a week before is there. At that Point of time i decided that I will do whatever my heart wants.

Day 7- Aanchal was not very happy now with me and vaibhav getting together after all the discussion with payal and ruchika. But just because Shivam knew how much aditiya liked me he wanted to us to get together. So Aanchal asked me out for the college fest happening in her college s with shivam, aditiya, Rohit and Sargun and without asking payal I said yes. We went there and Aditiya wanted to show me his college, so we went for a walk. Where he asked me about what happened and that i look so quite today.  I told him that i wanted to talk to him about vaibhav but he stopped me saying it doesn’t matter to me. All matters to him is me. I could see a purity in his eyes. But as everyone said Delhi guys are not good, I was very scared. Sargun his brothers girlfriend told me that its gonna be the best decision in my life if i say yes to aditiya bhaiya. Later We stayed at shivam place at night coz i dint wanted to talk to Payal and ruchika.

Day 8- We went to Barista in Sec 18 Noida. Aditiya came to pick me up. As soon as i was about to sit in his car, there was a rose on the seat. He said thats because he likes me, Then at sec 18 we moved to shivam car and there were more roses on the seat and aditiya said thats because we are friends. I knew he going to propose me. Then at barista the waiter came and gave me roses one after another. I felt so shy and special like never before.  Then we decided to go to Urban pind and there he proposed me saying that he feel in love with me the first time he saw me. I didn’t knew what to say and kept quite for so long. After i saw his sad face and watery eyes, I said yes and he side hugged me with joy. That gave shivers in my body, Shivam, aanchal, Rohit and sargun was very happy to hear that. We then went somewhere and he gave me bouquet of roses and proposed me again.  Then late at night we went to shivam place to sleep and he said bye that he will go to his place and sleep. And he again asked if he hug me but just because i was so shy he side hugged me and kissed on my forehead and went.

Day 9- When I reached home with so many flowers, payal was sure of whatever happened. sHe didn’t say anything and told he that she is happy. I was glad to know that. Later me and aditiya planned for a movie alone and lunch. We had a great time, I got to know that aanchal and payal made vaibhav talked to shivam on phone. They planned it against me. I never thought payal could do something like this. I was really heartbroken to know that. Shivam talked to vaibhav on phone. But soon after the conversation he realized that how dominating he is and Vaibhav threatened him that he will brings his friends for a flight and lots of things. Shivam called aditiya and told him everything. And also told him that They are trying there best to make me stop. Shivam called me his sister and said He would do everything to make me stay. Shivam and aditiya both started hating payal. Aditiya told me what payal did, I could not stop crying. But it made me more strong and I loved aditiya way much more. I was blessed and couldn’t thank god enough to found someone like aditiya.


Thanks for reading my story and Trust me its good to Trust in Love. Time and place doesn’t matter. Love at first sight exist. Believe in Love and give your life a chance.  Aditiya has given me the best days of my Life. Those were even better than my dreams. Never knew what love is till I met Aditiya




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Posted on : 30-12-2016 | By : admin | In : Romance Love Story


I met you when I was 18. We shared not much else besides a freshman class at our university and a facebook message exchange, both carrying around broken hearts from the high school relationships that crumbled at the door step of higher education.


And then we were off, in opposite directions in pursuit of what I could only guess was many different versions of the selves we would eventually become… I was wild, and so I can only thank my lucky stars you didn’t know me then. I was a number on your friends list, a two line message in your inbox. Mutual friends and status updates, I’d be lying if I said I paid attention. I was here and now and wild, I was “numb what hurts” and “oversleep class”. I was “lack of discipline and structure”.

Had we met in the middle we would have only cleaved shortly after.

Fate was merciful.


But like any good author it mastered the foreshadow, and then you were gone. Back to the city I would so desperately grow to miss you grew new branches that later formed leaves and blossomed and found your own way. Somewhere between 18 and 19 I did the same, carried it through to my twentieth year, I spent my 21st birthday hunched over an anatomy book, you were about a month shy from an engagement ring. To say we lost touch would be unfair, unsure we ever established it to begin with.We were different people now; better, but not ready.


I was busy feigning love while you were sure you found it, I really hope you did. I hope you can look back on that and remember the happy before it hurt. Lesson learned, she didn’t know, she wasn’t ready. I think I was.


I wore boots that night because I hadn’t drank in months.

Three redbull & vodkas later and your mom had her hand on my shoulder and the other on her touch screen showing me a face I didn’t expect to be familiar. Foggy, but I pulled the pieces together. “I know him! We went to college together” Small world. (understatement of the year)


Week after Thanksgiving, wasting my time on someone who would never be worthy, leaning somewhere up against the free weights in between sets, there’s your mom again. Smiles, waves, “I can tell such a big difference!” and there you were, too.


A few weeks prior I had written about the desire to have someone who captivates me from the first moment we see each other.



“yeah, 16 weeks, I guess I’m doing this”

you: “is this your first competition” Game over.

“This is my son”

I know, I know. Freshman year, Facebook admission page, I know, I know. “hi”

I think we shook hands. (hah!)


Gym mirror eye contact for weeks after, stood next to the squat rack when  I hit 225, stood on the other side of it next week and corrected my form, how much longer was I going to have to wait. Completely distracted by how captivated I was, everything was all at once brand new and foreign.


New Years Eve: come out tonight (pleasepleaseplease if you have plans break them)

Maybe. MAYBE. Screaming at work, dancing with my roommate. I was ecstatic. You have always struck me as special.

Confirmed: see you tonight. yes. yesyesyes.

You called another girl at midnight. Awkward silence.


“i’ll come kiss you after we get back from down town”


Why was I so disappointed??


Almost too drunk to care.


Shots, music, pictures, hazy, small moments I had to steal to exchange them with you. Captivated, new territory, I was so excited.

You put your hands around my ribcage to feel the asymmetry. My feet stuck to the floor. Game over.


The Took you a few more weeks to kiss me by the front door of your parents house. You love your self the way that I do and your hesitance was admirable. You’ve always been beautiful. You literally had me from hello.




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The one that cant seem to get away

Posted on : 30-12-2016 | By : admin | In : Lost and Love


My Ex Fiancé and I Broke Up late 2012, he had Gotten abusive and I was shattered when we separated. I couldn’t imagine myself with another man after the pain I felt, So I stayed away from men In general. Throughout 2012 I was alone, Depressed and I felt like there was absolutely no hope for me.Towards end of 2013 my mom advised that I go live with my Brother for  little while, so I can get out there, unwind and see other things and people.I took My Mother’s advise and went to my brothers place,but the only thing that changed was the environment, deep inside I still as lonely and hopeless as iwas when I was sby my mom’s house.

One morning I decided to go vist a friend of mine who doesn’t stay far from my brothers place,It was the 5th of January 2014, on my way there I met a lady who delayed me a little bit because she wanted help with something, anyway, I helped her then rushed to the taxi. While running so I can catch the last availale taxi, I could hear someone running behind me, as if chasing me, I ran faster, th person ran faster too, I decided to turn around , and when I did I saw this tall,(not too tall but taller than me),medium built guy,(he was the one unning after me), at that point I didn’t think much of him, or the situatin, so I kept running, and so did he, I turned again, looked at him laughed and kept running…he also continued.
I got to the taxi, asked to make sure its going to the right place ad I jumped in,after I sat down I looked to see what had happened to the guy chasing me, and there he was, at the door with his phone in his hand, still breathing heavily from the ‘chasing’, he said,”can I pease have your numbers?”,his voice did something to me, I don’t know how to explain it but something in me got softened and I took his phone and dialed my number, I didn’t even save my name.

A few minutes after I had gotten off the taxi and arrived at my Friend’s place , My phone rang,It was an unknown number. I picked up and from the other side a voice said :’hello , Its me, From Earlier,are there yet?”, it was that voice, it was him, my chaser.my stomach felt weird, I was overwhelmed with feelings I did not even understand, his voice made me feel relaxed, open, vulnerable (in a way I enjoyed), I had never felt like that before, it was all new and confusing but it felt AMAZING.
Anyway he introduced himself over the phone and  dd too, we got to know each other, backgrounds, where I live, what he does and we just went on and on and on, we spoke until my battery ran out and he promised he would call again in the morning , which he did, and that was it : The beginning of endless phone conversations and texts.I had to go back home (to My mother’s place ,to a different province far away from him),I felt like iwas leaving something significant behind, like i was leaving behind a part of me, someone I had known my whole life,(even though we had only met once),But even when I was gone we kept in touch, we spoke everyday,We spoke about life, about Friends, we joked and laughed, we shared painful experiences from the past and cried too. He had become my friend, my comfort , my hope, and I fell in love with him, so deeply, I was in love with a man I had only met once.

A few weeks after I had been at home, we were getting closer each day, our conversations were more intimate, he was in love too,He was in love with me.
One Saturday morning he woke up and was going to see his friends ( he would fill me in,tell me what he’s up to, and I would do the same, it made me feel like I was there, it made me feel closer to him).That Saturday morning he called and told me he was going to see his friends, I was with my friends too, he spoke to my friends on the phone, they liked his voice as much as I did, they could feel his warmth too.Anyway, we spoke and he promised he would call again in the afternoon.

Afternoon came and he hadn’t called, I got worried because it was unlike him, if he said he’ll call, he would call. so I called him to check if everything is okay, his phone went straight to voucemail, it was off.That didn’t worry mw though, Ithought maybe his battery had died or there was no coverage where he was, Itried again minutes later, it was still off, I kept trying , ot was off,sunday morning, his phone was still off.
I got worried, left him texts and probably a hundred voicemails.
I kept trying on Monday morning and his phone was still off.I felt so helpless, so far , and frustrated, Untill Around 13:00 Pm that Monday, I sent him a texts and it went through, A few minutes ;later my phine rang and it was his number, I answered Picked up and from the other side a lady’s voice said ” hello, Joe (I changed names) was in a car accident On Friday, he is in hospital and heavily sedated, he will get back to you when he wakes up”.”Oh is he okay? ‘I asked and she said he was okay..I was so relieved to hear that he was okay that I didn’t even ask myself who that lady was.
5 to six minutes later The lady called me again and this is what she said ” Hey Listen, I went though his phone and I saw your Texts and calls,Joe Is my Boyfriend, and you should stay away From him, I am Pregnant with his child as we speak , he doesn’t know it yet but I am, so please Stop calling and texting him”.
I couldn’t hold back the tears, I felt so betrayed, so cheated,I felt so broken as I put the phone down.I felt confused, why would he let me fall inn love with him then? why did he give me so much of his time if he ha someone else? I felt like such  a fool for letting him in, for falling for him,i was in pain and I felt he owed me an explanation.

He woke up a few hours later and called me as soon as he got home, he wasn’t aware that his girlfriend had called me so he tried to explain his presence “I was involved in a….” before he could finish I jumped in, “car accident and you were in hospital?” I asked, ” yes how did you Know?” , he sounded surprised, “Pearl told me, You know pearl, Your girlfriend” I replied. He was speechless.
He had mentioned a girlfriend in passing before but From How things were going  between me and him ,I had decided to assume that he had ended things with her.( That was stupid I know, But I was Intoxicated, I was in love).He Decided he would explain later , which I understood, he was still in pain.
later On he called and we spoke for a while, h explained, they were going Through stuff, she had hidden a child from him and he had just found out about the child, From what I understood, he wouldn’t have gone into the relationship if he knew she had a child , so he felt robbed.And he couldn’t just walk out now because of other emotional obligations he felt.He had tried breaking up with her,but each time felt forced back into the realationshp,( comfort maybe), I don’t know.
I didn’t know what to do, or how to feel, I was so confused , so broken , hurt.
I wanted to be there for him though, he was hurt and I wanted to know how he was recovering, so we kept in touch, I still loved him, I knew I still loved him.

He got better and we still kept in touch, But lady pearl would sometimes call me to tell me to back off, oh and she wasn’t really pregnant,she made that up to get me to back off.

Here’s the complicated part: I knew I loved this man, I accepted I could not have him, but I loved him anyway. We would talk every once in  a while, he would remind me often that he loves me and I would do the same, I never saw him again and I had accepted that I was never going to see him again.
Each time we spoke, even if it was after a month or two, I would still feel his warmth, his voice still had the same effect on me and throughout 2015, we spoke ( Not very Often) But we spoke, I sill loved him, he still loved me but we had both accepted that we couldn’t be together.

In December 2015 I started dating a guy who lives in the same city as Joe ( Pure coincidence).Im back in his province now, I work this side), He is sweet and kind, he is focused and he pushes me to do better. We have been together now for just over 6 weeks ,not sure if we love each other or we just deeply care for each other, (we haven’t spoken about feelings yet), our relationship is …well… comfortable.

First Saturday of 2016 , me and my boyfriend were going out for drinks when I decided on the way to a pub in town that I was hungry and wanted to eat, We took a turn and went to one of my favorite restaurants in town. We get there , get parking space and head into the restaurant, It was around 19:00Pm and a little dark, just as we were about to go into the restaurant, I heard someone call my Name, the voice sounded familiar, I turned around and It was him, it was Joe. I couldn’t believe my eyes, I was in shock, all sorts of feeling, I was excited to see him but I was scared, he was with a girl, (his girlfriend , I assumed), I felt held back, I was with my boyfriend and couldn’t exactly run to Joe and give him a huge hug (and I wish I could),it was a Tricky situation , so I just said hi and headed straight to the bathroom, I was shaken, my feelings for him awakened, I had Goosebumps, I was crying and I didn’t even understand why.
I pulled myself together and went to eat with my boyfriend, He could see I was shaken and he wondered why, I am an honest person, so I told him the Joe story, though I left out  a few details, Like my feelings for him.

We ate and went to the Pub, But all Night all I could think about was Joe. The following morning he sent me a text, His girlfriend was Angry, She made sense of the whole situation, remembered my name and all the drama it had once brought into their relationship and thought me and Joe had arranged to meet like that, We hadn’t, It was just a coincidence. A Freaky one (I Think), the day I first met Joe was the first Sunday Of 2014, This was the last hours of the first Saturday of the Year, It was 2 days before our 2nd year Meeting anniversary, we met again almost exactly 2 years later, ” That’s Crazy” we said , almost simultaneously On a phone call a few days after we bumped into each other..
And the Craziest part is that I still love Him, Probably more now than I did then. And according to him, he still loves me too, Even more now.
Am I crazy? Am I mad For still loving this man so much even though I know I Might Never Have Him?
Is this Normal???? I love him Whole heartedly, And I expect absolutely nothing from him In return, I just love him, And I cant seem To stop, No matter where I Go, or What I do.




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My Most Heartbreaking Experience

Posted on : 30-12-2016 | By : admin | In : First Love


Okay, before I begin, I won’t drop my real name. But, just call me, Kenzie. And this story happend when I was 14.

So Here’s My First Love Story.

It all started way back on October 2014. I saw this cute guy on facebook, yes, from the internet; we have mutual friends tho, I decided to add him then after 24 hours, He then accepted my request and I was really full of bundled happiness I don’t even know why though. I felt like he would be a close friend of mine. So, few months passed by, and I decided to message him on facebook. That was December 2014, I totally messaged him like I was a giant douchebag or something. But, he wasn’t rude after all, and I was insanely glad because I’m already talking to the guy that I have a crush on (secretly). I won’t drop his name as well but in this story, let’s just say his name is Collin. So, me and collin started talking for almost everyday, and I was so happy tho. I didn’t even care for what’s gonna happen next, until one day, He told me that he has a crush on my BESTFRIEND (screen name: Haley). My heart felt sad and it broke. I was full of hatred to my Bestfriend because of that. So, when I told that to my Bestfriend, Haley, she was actually flattered (ugh wtf) like I was really mad. And suddenly, my friend added Collin on facebook as well, AND she messaged him too. But you know what? Haley has a Boyfriend that time. I was so jealous and Haley totally flirted with Collin which broke my heart even more, I know I shouldn’t be reacting that way, but I couldn’t help it, everyone can’t, I know. That was the first time I acted that way. Few weeks later, Haley and Collin got really close, like Collin does not message me anymore like the way he did before. I cried that time because I WAS THE FIRST one who met Collin. When Haley’s finally asleep, Collin will message me and tell stories of his life or something. That’s why I know him so well. Better than Haley does. Collin always teases me and I just can’t get mad at him. Weird I know, after weeks, Collin made a Groupchat of Me, Haley, Him, and My friend (call her Paige) so Paige knows collin as well because of me, so in that groupchat, Haley was a total freak. She wants all of the attention, if not, she’ll be reacting like a total weirdo like she’s mad like that etc. And I was so pissed like I couldn’t even say anything else. But, that time, Collin and I, were flirting as well, like we had callsigns for us two, that made me blush and happy tho. But yet, We’re not on a relationship. At the end of January, Collin and I finally met. and That time, Haley was forbiddenly unable to talk to Collin again because her Boyfriend knew everything about her bitchy and flirty attitude (gross). So, Collin and I met together with Paige. Then I felt so much happiness in my heart. We took a picture together that time. I didn’t expect he was so tall tho. After that, Haley spoke to Collin AGAIN. I thought things were already done between Haley and Collin, but I was wrong, VERY WRONG. So, after that Haley’s boyfriend got mad again and I was so happy that time because of that lol. When february came, Collin became mean and he turned into a bad sport. I was deeply hurt. Like why is he mean to me? But he can’t be mean to haley. After few months we barely talk. Until one night He felt sorry and messaged me for like everyday. But that time, I was mad at him becase of that. I was also hurt. VERY HURT. But I didn’t realized his worth. I threw him out just because my heart was full of hatred with Haley and Him. By April 2014, I felt okay and ready to start over again with him. But I didn’t know, it’s too late. Collin decided not to talk to me anymore little did I know, IT WAS HALEY AGAIN. Haley and Her Bf broke up, so Haley bean talking to Collin again. Collin was blind again, He didn’t even thought that Haley was just using him as an option / replacement for her Boyfriend. That time, I CRIED EVERYDAY EVERY NIGHT. I was so hurt. I thought I’ll be happy again. BUT NO, I WAS EVEN MORE HURT. After that, Haley unfriended Collin on facebook because She and her Boyfriend got back together. Collin asked me why Haley did that, I told him the truth. That Haley’s with her boyfriend again. Collin was pissed. But he didn’t realized, I was there for him, Even tho he’s only using me as his past-time. I became stupid just because I love him. I realized, that I should’ve spent more time talking to him way back to the time that he messages me everyday. I was wrong, because I prioritized my hatred instead of appreciating  the current thing that’s happening. My love for Collin never broke. I don’t care even tho I look stupid as hell. I hated Haley since today, because of her, everything was broken, everything that was meant for me, was gone because she took it all. Yep, that’s what happens if we don’t appreciate the person that is already here. We should appreciate every moment. Because anytime, it may be gone for a small reason.




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My Heartbeat my Love

Posted on : 30-12-2016 | By : admin | In : First Love

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Hello guys, Its our love story of me and my heartbeat ,my babu… Our story is like filmy. We met in train. As we met, we were fighting just because I am sitting at someone’s seat… He said pls don’t sit here.. and I was watching him angrily…

Then I sat another seat.. After some time a lady came there and she talked with me and him.

Time spent and our talks just going on and on..

Before reached our designation, my one of friend calledcalled me and said her facebook Id is hacked and someone is misusing..

He listen our talks and aftr then he said you don’t worry I will report of that Id.

Then we exchange our mobile no. and facebook Id..

After then he went. As he reached office,messaged me that I report him Id.. then I thaked to him..

Aftr two days we again met in train.. we are going our home town.. actually our home town is same. Then we exchanged our whats ap number… and we used to so much talks daily..

One day he came at my pg at night around 1 AM.. and called me, pls come at balcony.. I asked why? Too late

He said pls come.. I am here

I went at balcony and saw, he was there

He propose, “Will you marry me”? I just shocked. He totally mad.

Our relationship is from only 2 years.. but its seems.. we are living from 10-20 years. By the way after two months we are getting marriage..

Live together.. Love together…

I Love you babu so much.. I can’t live without you..even i can’t imagine my life without you.. love you very much..






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Love: Believe it or not!

Posted on : 30-12-2016 | By : admin | In : First Love


Just four letters but makes  a hell lot of sense. When we see something we choose to believe in it and when we try to believe what we see it does not seem easy for us. I use to feel that love stories are meant to be in the fairy tale books only, they don’t exist in real life. Its a dream, a dream that takes us to heaven to show our prince charming ,riding a white horse and calling out our favorite name.

But what we feel then and what we feel now has not changed. Today even after we know that’s not possible, we still look out for the special one. that special person who makes the difference, that special person who who makes you laugh and cry your eyes out, that special person who can make you believe in what you feel.

That special person knows you  for who you are and gives you a reason to smile because he/ she is your LIVE!LOVE and LAUGH!







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This Life We Live

Posted on : 30-12-2016 | By : admin | In : Secret Love


I smile this same smile everyday as the light strikes you three from between the thick leaves that hang over you. The sun is falling and any description less than astounding when speaking on it would be shamed…though the leaves are thick, they’re thin enough to allow light to pass through, giving off a beautiful and seemingly new variant of the color green. The sound of a happy mother (you) and ecstatic children(ours) ,fade throughout the day and when night comes it’s never any trouble at all getting to sleep…the water politely slushing over the sand outside of our home & the moon glowing shyly as it watches over us. A secluded area between the ocean and a mountain miles away from society. A place we can call our own on this earth we share. Our little planet. A place where the rest of our lives will stay….we aren’t married, and I don’t have a ring but the promise you gave to me was the greatest of all. Something that will never get old, something I will never forget, something I will always cherish…this feeling you give me, the beautiful children we have, and waking to perfection. Every morning I can feel you breathing.my head will raise and I’m awake…but I don’t move because I’m afraid I’ll wake you. So I decide to stay and enjoy this moment over and over, every morning because nothing ever gets old with you…my head on your chest as your arms rest around my neck and your legs wrapped around my back…and only when you run your hand over my head do i open my eyes. I see the sand through the open door which means the munchkins are out playing…pink it looks almost but only when the sun kisses the water from over a strip of land out in the ocean that looks so close you could grab it. I can also see our children splashing but only that. Silhouettes of what we brought into this world. their shadows seem to reach just before the bed because of how low the sunrise was at this point and I touched the floor where my sons hand would have been if only this shadow weren’t a product of trick of light and in that moment. I could see and feel everything that we are and have been. I’ve loved you, I love you and I will love you, just as you make me feel…endless…so endlessly.




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friendship and love

Posted on : 31-01-2016 | By : admin | In : Soul Mates


once upon a time , there was two big friends named Alina and Julian they were very close to each other they were roaming in city and they saw a handsome guy they both liked him they didn’t said that they love that guy

After some days the both girl finds out the name and photo of that guy from facebook and Alina tries to show the photo of that guy and when she shows the photo Julian says he is mine and they start to fight and they were not too closer

after two days Alina sends the message to that guy ‘I love you please be my boyfriend’ but the guy said no I have another girl friend . Alina thinks that she was Julian . Julian does the same but answer was the same she also thinks that she was Alina .they were roaming alone. they finds each other and they starts to fight and they finds the same guy with another girl and they looks for some times they starts to cry . both hugged each other saying sorry

And they were very closer once again..





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Her Love

Posted on : 30-01-2016 | By : admin | In : Long Distance Love

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           There once was a girl who found the love of her life. She always seemed to  love much harder then her love . And no matter what her love did to hurt their relationship, she always found it in her heart forgive her love for. She believed it showed how much she loved her love. She lived half way around the world from her love. And went to visit her love on four different occasions…. Even planning to move her life to her lives country eventually. This one time when she left her love and went back home a tragedy happened. Someone very important in her life died and she became heart broken. All she wanted at the time was to be with her love. To talk to her love and to feel loved by her love. She really needed her live, But her love had other important things going on at the time. This made her feel very unimportant and caused her so much more pain, which pushed her to eventually give up on her love. She believed it’s what she needed to do to make her love realize her errors and appreciate her more. She thought that if she left her love, then her love would soon find out how special she really was. She thought her love would be sorry for all the things she did in the past and do everything to get her back. She hoped her love would learn from this break up and choose to become better for her in the future. She hoped that this would make her love love her more and fight for her…… She was wrong.
She was in so much pain from the loss of her close family member she turned to lean on someone new. Her friend at the time was the only one there for her. To hold her when she cried, to make her smile in a time she was so sad. Her friend showed her so much love and care that she wasn’t used to. Then her and her friend began to confuse this friendship for something more. They decided to start a relationship in a time that she was so vulnerable. From then she tried her best to move on from her love. To forget her love and find new love within her friend, but day after day she couldn’t stop thinking about her love, never stopped missing her love., and she most definitely never stopped loving her love. She wandered when the day would come that she would wake up in the morning and not think about her love…. This day never came.
She soon realized that she could not live any longer without her love. She knew then that she would never love anyone the way she loved her love, for the rest of her life. No matter how much time passed or how much separation between her and her love, she realized her love would always be her strongest love. Upon coming to this realization she had to hear her loves voice, she had to tell her love how much she loved and missed her love. She had to make sure that her love knew that she was her only love. She made that phone call and they picked back up right where they left off but in happier times. After weeks of talking and hours of happy conversations. Remembering all the great times she and her love had together. She decided that her love needed to know how important she was. Her love needed to know that she was the only one for her in the entire world. The only way to prove this to her love was by giving up on her friend and in doing so breaking her friends heart. It was a horrible thing she had to do. But at this point she would do anything to prove to her love how much she wanted to be with her. It was sad.
It was sad what she did to her friend but what was even more sad to find out was that her love never really loved her that much at all. Her love already had loves before her. Her loved wanted to see if she could find new love with others. She felt that her love decided she wanted a better love. Her love didn’t want to give her a second chance. Her love wanted to be single and didn’t believe she was worth giving up her freedom for. She proved to be wrong once again. 
After all was said and done both girls decided to be single and to live their live alone for now. To move forward and become better people and better lovers. Both doing what was best for their lives apart so that they would be better for each other in the future. They remained talking as friends until one day she couldn’t talk to her love because she was with her friend. Consoling her friends broken heart that way her friend consoled her in the past. When her love knew this then her love didn’t act like a single girl. Her love put pressure on her like they were in a relationship. Her love forgot that it was her decision not to be with her. Her love forgot that she was the one who decided to be single for two years after college graduation. She realized then that no matter how much she did for her love…… Her love didn’t appreciate all the love she had for her. Her love called her a liar and started to hate her. The last thing she wanted in the world was to hurt her love. All she wanted was to start fresh and new with her love. First as friends then as lovers again, but her love never gave her their relationship that chance. She messed up their fresh start by accident. If her love wanted to be in a relationship then why didn’t her love tell her? 
Why didn’t her love ask for her to be hers again? The most thing she wanted in the world was to hear those words from her love. But with everything that had occurred she decided that she had to move on for now . Without her friend and without her love. Hoping that her  friend and her love will be happy….. And mostly hoping that her friend find someway to be her friend again and her love would one day be her love again. She wanted her love to realize that she can’t live without her either. She wanted her love to want her as much as she wanted her love. 
Always hoping that one day when the time is right she and her love will be together again. And live happily ever after. 
 THE END for now. 
Ps: I won’t give up 



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One Sided Love

Posted on : 23-01-2016 | By : admin | In : First Love





Chapter 1: Love at First Sight?


It was summer of 2010. Schools were about to get close for summer holidays. I was happy that finally i’ll get break from these homework i have to do every day. Finally it was the time to enjoy and rest, but something was happening which at this time i didn’t understand. I never have this kind of feeling before. It was like someone was calling me towards them.


However, as the days past and summer breaks were about to end i now have this urge of getting back to school. It was like i have to be their. Studies continue as normal and i know i will get punishment for not completing my summer holidays homework.


Now this is IMPORTANT. This is where it all went wrong. Due to not completing my homework i was standing outside the class and this is where it happens “Love at first Sight”. I saw her for the very first time so closely as she passes by me. Now i understand my urge of getting back to school.


But, this was not LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. I have seen her before, many times but didnt know at that time that i have already fell in love with her. Yes this was not a attraction or liking i was in love with her.


As the days past i now notice her everywhere in school. But as to this point i don’t know in which class she was because she was.And then i got to know she was my junior(i was in 10th she was in 9th no big deal). Our classes were different but that couldn’t stop me form being with her.



to be continue….




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