No Matter What
Posted on : 31-08-2012 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Romance Love Story, Soul Mates
Tags: forever, love, Soul Mates, young love
You know those moments, when you see a person and you just REALLY wont to know them? That’s how I met Jeffrey. It was senior year and I was on a bus on my way home when I looked a few seats back and saw him. I had seen Jeffrey multiple times before this but I had never been given the chance to talk to him one on one. Here was my chance, we were the last two on the bus and he moved up acrossed the isle from me, so I just started talking to him about simple things, nothing really, until we came to his stop. The next few days at school I made it a point to talk to him whether that be just a passing hello or a joke in band class. We started to meet up at extra-caricular events like volleyball games and sit and talk. He was suprisingly easy to talk to but was in general a very quiet person and I am not. However, he didn’t seem to mind my company so we continued to hang out every once and awhile. During one game we were talking and he told me that I liked alot of the same thigs his sister did and that he would bring her to the next game so I could meet her. And when I did meet her we became best friends immediatly, and she still to this day is my very best friend. Kayla, Jeffrey and I started to hang out all the time, going out at night and walks on Sunday evenings. Kayla and I’s relationship grew fast but so did Jeffrey’s and I. He and I would talk everyday before school and we told eachother everything, we both had similar struggles and burdens we had to bare. Time went by and we all remaind close up to the day that Jeffrey and Kayla’s father committ suicide. That whole week I never left their side, especially Jeffrey’s, who took the death personally. Jeffrey has a history of strong depression and I was terrified he would follow in his father’s footsteps. As it turned out Jeffrey had planned to take the same action his dad did and just leave it all behind. I was so scared and was frantically trying to do everything I could to reasure him that he needed to be strong and that things would eventually be okay and also that I was there for him, no matter what. I had at one point in my life struggled with the same type of thing so I knew how to relate to the situation. But there was a new develpment,I was falling in love with him and was scared to death to tell him. What if it made things awkward? What if he didn’t feel the same? But, what if he did? Regardless I just wanted to see him smile again. Time whent by and Jeffrey started doing okay again, he was more of himself until one night after we got home from youth group. He wouldn’t speak and wouldn’t even aknowladge me in any way. His sister and I had a habit of laying out on the trampoline at night and looking at the stars, this night i begged and pleaded for him to join us, not wanting to leave him alone. So, I dragged him onto the trampoline, and well, he didn’t really like but he just normally did what I said anyway. Laying there we were watching videos on kayla’s Ipod and laughing, and Jeffrey finaly started to loosen up. He began to talk and laugh like he usually did, but something was still different. He kept looking at me and keeping eye contact and smiling and hugging me. I was used to him touching me, he usually had his head on my shoulder or was sitting close. I didn’t mind at all because he wasn’t ever weird about it, just sweet. But, like I said this was different. Later that night when it got too cold for comfort we headed inside to Kayla’s room to watch a movie and Jeffrey joined us. We all spread out on her bed infont of the screen and watched, but I wasn’t watching at all. I was thinking of Jeffrey and the way he had held me on the trampoline, the way he had looked into my eyes. I needed to know, I needed to know if he felt the same. As it grew later Kayla fell asleep leaving me to ask him if he was going to be okay and if he wanted to talk about what was wrong. He and I usually were always open and honest with eachother and our feelings, we understood eachother and could just talk. He told me that he would be okay and then pulled me close and thanked me for always being there for him and then hugged me again, but this time he didn’t let go. My heart was racing, he was holding me so close to him as he told me that he loved me. I told him I loved him too, and this wasn’t unusual, the words anyway, all three of us always told eachother that we loved eachother. But he and I knew this time we meant something different. I am not sure how many times we told eachother those three words that night and for how long we just held eachother close, but it seemed like forever, but that was fine with me, I didn’t want it to end. And then he kissed me, it was so soft and sweet and gentel. I kissed him back and we both just layed there for the rest of the night talking about how we’ve actually liked eachother for a long time, and how we wished we would have known sooner. The next morning when we all woke up me and him knew things would never be the same again, but in a wonderful way. He and I are still together six months later and we plan to stay together forever. I love him and he loves me. We can talk about everything and anything and love eachother’s imperfections. Yes, there are times we argue, but who doesn’t? But we both know it would be worse to live life without the other. Unfortunatley due to a circumstance we have not seen eachother for three months, and it feels like forever. But we talk everyday and know that the other will remain faithful. We trust eachother and we know that our future is worth waiting for. Because, true love waits.
(Screen) Name: Jean