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Welcome to the Love Story Blog of Love-Sessions.

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Four-Square, Sunsets, and Truth or Dare

Posted on : 15-09-2018 | By : A-Pie | In : First Love

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,


I have liked the same guy since fourth grade. That is a long time seeing as I’m now going into seventh. If your looking for a young love story with a lot of ups and downs, this one is for you. But I must warn you, its a story that takes place over the span of three, almost four years; it might take awhile.

It all started in fourth grade. I have never been into sports but imagine my surprise when a cute, funny, and outgoing BOY helped me figure the game out. Four-Square was the game of the year. He’d start to get me out when I got better, but before that, he got me to square two and helped me stay there, and I’d help him stay in square one. Then when four-square got banned for being too competitive, another boy in my class suggested we play a game he made up, soon after known as Wall Ball. He did the say thing for me there too. The first time it dawned on me that I might actually like this boy was when someone yelled something while we were playing the game. The boy and I were playing against each other and since we are a competitive class, we don’t like long games. Unlike him, I was actually trying, but no matter what I did I couldn’t get him out. I loved watching the faces of the boys when I beet the person who was the best at it, my best friend, that was a boy. He didn’t even have to try, he was winning. But the boys were getting antsy. The next one in line yelled,” Can someone please just get out already. Or are the lovebirds to in love to get each other out.” And even then, when I didn’t like him back, he was still protective of me. He quickly got me out while I was still processing the information. The boy who yelled that out took his turn to emidiatly find himself humiliated at how fast he got out. That was the last thing I saw before I ran off to tell my friends. It was that day when I realized that I liked him.

The nest year, of course, I had still liked him. Though now I wanted him to like me back. So naturally I took the teasing approach at first. And that’s the only approach I took for awhile. My crush plays guitar and loves the 80’s rock style. Mainly that being the hair. Even though he was the most popular boy in my class, he still got made fun of. So I made fun of his hair, a jacket that matched a girls, and boots that were bedazzled. I realize these were some pretty weird things but if you like someone enough it shouldn’t matter what they look like or their fashion choices, the only thing that should matter is their personality. And it shouldn’t be up to you to change someone’s style, it is theirs to change, if they want to. The worst one that I can think of was the boots. I made fun of them, said I was sorry then did it again. I never apologized to him for that. Why I’m talking about this, you will realize later. The major thing that happened to me that year was self-rejection. I had, for whatever reason, a drop of self-worth for the last trimester for fifth grade. Why would someone like him want me? What qualities do I have that this girl over her has? None. she is more pretty, and skinny than me. And so he must like he. Not me. Right? There are so many reasons this is wrong because I was, nd am, pretty. I don’t have to be perfectly skinny to get the guy. But, of course, I didn’t realize this. So I tried for weeks to figure out a way to make myself prettier. Skinnier. Then I tried just to not like him anymore. A new kid came and I thought maybe if I like him then I won’t like this guy who doesn’t like me because I’m ugly and fat. Yes, I was in fifth grade and thinking these things. But, just as you thought, that strategy didn’t work like I wanted to. And so another year passed of me not knowing weather or not he liked me.

The beginning of sixth grade was a blur. But then the annual week long camping trip came  up. I didn’t think anything would happen, but boy was I wrong. The first day passed like a blur with the only highlight of the day being I was in a group with him. We went to the beach that night. It was sunset and I was sitting next to him. Everyone else was playing tag and building sand castles. I don’t exactly remember why we were sitting there but I’m glad I was. I had been thinking about last year and teasing him about the boots. I’d meant earlier to tell him I was sorry for teasing him, but it kept slipping my mind. I chose then to tell him. ” You know how last year I made fun of your boots,” he looked at me and without waiting for an answer, I continued on,” Well I already apologized to you about that. But then I did it again, and well I realized I hadn’t apologized for it.  Well I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m sorry for that.” During my shaky, awkward speech, he looked down at the ground. But then I said sorry and he looked up. He smiled and looked me directly in the eyes and I smiled. We both blushed and looked down at the ground. I sat there for a minute awkwardly before I got up and ran to go tell my best friend. When I got back I talked to my older cousin and he said to tell him that I like him. So the next day I told him that. I didn’t wait for an answer. Life went by, slowly but surely. We both got invited to a boy- girl party. We played truth or dare. He and I were both asked the same question, name your crushes form kindergarten back. I did and so did he. We got to fourth grade and we both said that we have liked the same person since then. Neither of us said who. A week later I texted him and asked him who the mysterious girl was. He replied with, you never said who you liked so I’m not going to tell you. I told him that I’d liked him since fourth grade. He said he’d already known this but wanted to know for sure. He also said that he too had liked me from fourth grade.

If you made it this far then please comment 12345 and if you want a part two than also comment down below. Thank you for reading, hope it wasn’t too boring.


The Unresolved Examination of Love

Posted on : 21-07-2012 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Lost and Love, Romance Love Story

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


It was a Birthday of his girlfriend and he planned a surprise visit to her crossing 2000 miles across the country.
A surprise by which the lovely couple spent long time hand in hand, as they were more than anything for each other.
The top majesty God watching the story smiled and decided to test their love.

As soon as the Boy returned to his orginal destination. There was a quarrel in his profession.
No salary for next 3 months, work or leave. The boy was in a bad mood, how to pay the EMI of education Loan,
how to pay the rent, what to eat and savings !!! Thoughts terrorising every moment. He was about to speak about
this to his girlfriend. with this conversation on phone ” Did you had ur Dinner ?”
The girl anxiously shouted… “what do you want, how do you care for me just by asking for dinner. I need a job, I have no time left tojust think about what to eat.
Parents forcing to return and I am unable to get anything.”

With two drops of tears the guy couldn’t speak anything and put the phone down.
Soon the girl realized what she did and she called back and said “Sorry”.
But this time, the guy yelled and there was a kiosk… God smiled again.
Things never got controlled after that, They were not speaking to each other since long time.
The girl decided to leave the guy, but the boy was not ready to accept this decision.

After few weeks, the clock was 10.30pm just a day before the boys birthday. The boy eagerly waiting that his girl will return to him as the best ever birthday gift of his life.
It was 11.45pm the Boys friends were ready to celebrate but his eyes were constantly checking the phone. At 11.59pm, the boy was still with phone, no reactions what so ever.
Clock struck 00.00 …….. No call
Tears trembled. Friends caught him before he fell on the ground.
No one aware of what exactly happened. But there was no call.
The guy looking at the photograph of his beauty in his laptop, crying, speechless, sleepless…
The other side, girl standing with the same situation in her balcony, crying wishing his moon “Happy Birthday Baby”… m sorry.

The day began, boy with a whole night of frustration called his girl, standing on the roof top. “Final Question Are You Coming Back Or Not”
Girl said “No”. The Boy cut his wrist with a broken piece of axe. Guy Questioned again “Now are you coming, this time i will jump off”
The Girl put the phone down and within few minute her mother called the Boy. A great discussion went on.
Boy said sorry for everything on his own Birthday, cried more then ever in his life of 28 years. The girl was actually hiding her face of tears, pretending she is a different girl now.
Day past on. Girl not ready to return, Boy ready to die any second alone now. It was 11.45pm The day is gonna over. The boy crying still looking on to his mobile.
At 11.55pm, Boy was in the arms of his friend crying when the mobile ranged. Yes it was the Girl.
The Boy started all again, with apologies and all and the girl accepted when it was about to end the day.

Few days passed, life was not so easy for the both the love birds. Girl searching for Job, and always asking his love to be here with her so that we can be together and live happily,
Boy trying to cope up his life without penny. Both frustrated, Both wana meet, but no money with either to come.
Girl trying her hard luck, frustrated said to the boy one day
“See I am a different Girl now, You will be unable to accept me what I am today, I am jobless and just because of you I am unable to get any one, Its better for us to stay away”

Before continuing, a small question… Did we ever thought, why the Girl is reacting like this when she too cry for her love when she is alone and why the boy has become so possesive and violent ??
Its all together the frustration being developed in their individual lives. They need each other but bound to stay a apart. Both of them have some negative qualities.
“Boy with his Anger, Girl with her Frustration” and the almighty targeted their love with their negativities for Testing.

Boy after hearing this, as usual reacted… less of violent but more of control. He said, this is not justified to blame.
Having a great past memories of 3 years were blowing as the days were passing. Boy started accepting everything from her. Cried thoughout the nights but didn’t responded.
He was not being calm but he was wearing the sheet of calmness which was controling him. The talks were almost no no between them. The boy do message her but the girl didn’t replied any of those.

One fierce day, the Girl replied… “Got the Job joining on Monday”.
Boy after reading smiled and replied… “Congrats and Be Happy Now”. It was a day among the best Happy days for both of them. But still both were speechless.
What they actually want from each other. No one can ever know.
Girl expecting a good reaction from his love received another message.
“As I am out of your life, your dreams are coming true, Good luck and be Happy and bla bla….” the girl cried and replied “You will never ever change yourself and your negativities…” and started the flames of blames again.

The boy was silent but could not control himself on a point since she has the job now, everything can be resolved but still she is blaming.
A word war with all sort of words… bad, worse, worst etc all were in… a battle of tears for both of them faught.
The Boy then declared with anger in full swing, your job is not your job. Its a gift purchased, keep it with you. The girl was stunned.
The Boy then declared your salary package, your designation, your reporting authority… everything was known to him. The girl was quiet with no earth below her feet.
The girl put the phone down, doesn’t know how to react. It was no Love, it was now a battle to give reply or does she deserve a gifted job while she cannot get one by proving herself !!!
The girl with tears called the Boy, Tell me the truth frankly, if you have realy buyed the job I will leave it right now…
The boy was confused but full of thoughts.
….Its gonna be a year now for her without a job,
….if she leaves it the frustration will grow exponetially,
….professionally the market is gonna close the hiring soon,
….this company will not allow her to appear again,
….he will loose her forever.
The Boy replied “No”,”I was telling lies, its your effort, its your job. To get you back in life i said that but dont leave the job as it is yours, only yours.”
And the chapter of love was almost closed after this incidence. The Boy cried a lot and the girl joined the Job.

Seeing all this, the almighty thought, this was actually not planned, why is this happening. The examination of love should have ended by the episode of job and they both should be happy now.
Need to look into this
The Boy started loosing his health, he became a patient of unconsciouness, low haemoglobin but he kept it with him. When the reactions of his health were seen by his friends… They asked “Whats Going On ??
He replied with a smile… I am in Love…
While driving a bike with tearfull eyes, the boy met with an accident and was taken to hospital, just a muscular strech nothing else.
A good friend visited his home after hearing the accident and forced him to get the things out of his mind. The boy explained
“No explanations required, I am a patient of love and no other disease i have, doctor says I have very low immunity of Blood Clot in my body, a single cut and the blood will flow like an unstopable tap”
The friend immediately went to the doctor and asked, What is the reason of his illnes of disimmunity ?
Doctor replied, Your dear friend gave 2 units of blood in 48 hours to a patient of kidney dilasys who require fresh blood. He did so because he was in urgent need of money.
We recommended him Not to do because of Low BP issue but he never listened and said it is to save his own life.”
The friend returned to the boy’s home where he saw a man taking some money in his pocket and boy bidding him thanks and hugs.
The friend with his anger asked “Who the man was whom you have given the money ? Can you explain me in detail, for what money is required ?”
Boy said “No explanations required from love, it is just a small amount to get a gift for my life and I am happy to present it. No matter the result is, am happy i took some amount from this person and i have returned it to him”
Friend said “Do not hide anything for the sake of ur love, tell me”
Boy explained ” Yes I got her gift by paying the amount which was out of my limitations. I had a saving collected since last six months to meet her, got some amount from the money lender on interest, the rest by selling my blood and i have no regrets to this
and I am ready to stay away as she want because if i’ll be with her, i wont accept the changes in her as she is not the one whome i loved but the sole remains the same and she is there in my dreams, I commited many mistakes in my life, gave her tears with no reasons. Its a curse on me to stay away from her
and I will stay away to let her life happily. Time will move and I will move with my dreams and if any how God feels that my curses are over I will surely get my Love back.

Time moved on, the boy onto his profession, now an all time thiest praying to god daily for an hour, no salary yet since six months now. Cannot pay the EMI of his loan, didn’t attend the calls from Bank and one day has to attend one when the bank called in office landline.
He was warned for the Police FIR and case registered for non payment of EMI’s and need to clear all the EMI’s within a week. Boy head’s down and discussed the issue with one of his Teacher, remembering his love and praying god for his love may come back and keep her hand on his hand to generate some power to face all this, but all in vain.
Days passed, Nothing can be done, Boy was just waiting for the blast from Bank and sooner the day came. Police and bank officials in office, the manager called him, not to be in office as they are in no mood of talks and will take you to cell.
Helplessly, Boy just cried, waiting for the people to come in and take him to cell as he droped all his hopes, but they didn’t appeared at his home. Next day morning the Police came in and called the Boy downstairs. They yelled like any damn cop style in the chamber of 3rd degree only didn’t used the physical haressment.
Gave the warning of next 24 hours and left. Collecting the pieces of himself the boy entered his room and saw his roomate on phone and make out that it is his Girl Friend taking the feedback what is going on with him. He could not control again.
He slapped his roomate, took the phone and shouted like hell out, what do you want now. Aren’t you happy now with your life. You are responsible for my situations, stay away and watch the music playing, in case more blood required from my body, Come and take it.
She replied I called up because the roomate messaged that you are in such a situation, but you and your anger will never change. you will not accept that I am happy with my friends, was planning to give you some time and by 3-4 months I will be back to your life, But You need money you will get it. Now dont even feel of any chances of us getting together.

Things were silent, tears blowing everywhere. What to do and what not… no one know. Boy need his life, Girl need changes in him when she has changed her way of thinking. Gift and circumstances of Boy were meaningless.
The Boy with only his moment of legs went to a temple near by and sat there. Asking the reason to god of this Examination of Life which Started from Love and now after his life, He kept on praying for his love, praying for his situations, praying for his mistakes, praying to get the evil out of his life so that he can live with his love if possible any more else, take his life now.
All mighty watching everything happening send his teacher. Boy “Go to Bank and take this amount to pay the pendings right away and clear it”
The Boy couldn’t speak anything but after 3 hours sitting in temple praying and crying, the Boy was with a different mind of acceptance and hope. He came to the temple after deciding to gave up his life but now the time has changed.
He went back to his home. Next morning paid the amount to bank and left for his Job. With a new spirit of life, keeping the heart full of tears behind went for his job after facing the crucial police drama and after yet another blast fight with his love which is now over.

The Boy enetered the office and with in 15 minutes, the manager called him, he went to speak to the manager and the manager declared… You need to get yourself relieve from your job Today. I am sorry for this decision, but company is unable to give you any salary and dont want to be responsible for your crisis.

The Boy speechless and smile with tears came out of office. Still couldn’t decide but now feeling like flowing into a wind of vibrations. Couldn’t hear anything, but still the voice of love passing by his ears. Eyes watching surroundings but can look his parents, sister and his Love calling him towards them.
His imagination power was disrupting the feeling of psychatric patient. He was more of smiling then bearing the pain and tears. It is now a usual fact of curse running right behind him. Some super natural evil which is spoiling every bit of his life but the other side god helping him to come out of it.
This Story yet requires an end and the game of almighty yet requires a completion to this love story full of Hates and Dislikes.

(Screen) Name: akki


The Unresolved Examination of Love

Posted on : 21-07-2012 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Lost and Love, Romance Love Story

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


It was a Birthday of his girlfriend and he planned a surprise visit to her crossing 2000 miles across the country.
A surprise by which the lovely couple spent long time hand in hand, as they were more than anything for each other.
The top majesty God watching the story smiled and decided to test their love.

As soon as the Boy returned to his orginal destination. There was a quarrel in his profession.
No salary for next 3 months, work or leave. The boy was in a bad mood, how to pay the EMI of education Loan,
how to pay the rent, what to eat and savings !!! Thoughts terrorising every moment. He was about to speak about
this to his girlfriend. with this conversation on phone ” Did you had ur Dinner ?”
The girl anxiously shouted… “what do you want, how do you care for me just by asking for dinner. I need a job, I have no time left tojust think about what to eat.
Parents forcing to return and I am unable to get anything.”

With two drops of tears the guy couldn’t speak anything and put the phone down.
Soon the girl realized what she did and she called back and said “Sorry”.
But this time, the guy yelled and there was a kiosk… God smiled again.
Things never got controlled after that, They were not speaking to each other since long time.
The girl decided to leave the guy, but the boy was not ready to accept this decision.

After few weeks, the clock was 10.30pm just a day before the boys birthday. The boy eagerly waiting that his girl will return to him as the best ever birthday gift of his life.
It was 11.45pm the Boys friends were ready to celebrate but his eyes were constantly checking the phone. At 11.59pm, the boy was still with phone, no reactions what so ever.
Clock struck 00.00 …….. No call
Tears trembled. Friends caught him before he fell on the ground.
No one aware of what exactly happened. But there was no call.
The guy looking at the photograph of his beauty in his laptop, crying, speechless, sleepless…
The other side, girl standing with the same situation in her balcony, crying wishing his moon “Happy Birthday Baby”… m sorry.

The day began, boy with a whole night of frustration called his girl, standing on the roof top. “Final Question Are You Coming Back Or Not”
Girl said “No”. The Boy cut his wrist with a broken piece of axe. Guy Questioned again “Now are you coming, this time i will jump off”
The Girl put the phone down and within few minute her mother called the Boy. A great discussion went on.
Boy said sorry for everything on his own Birthday, cried more then ever in his life of 28 years. The girl was actually hiding her face of tears, pretending she is a different girl now.
Day past on. Girl not ready to return, Boy ready to die any second alone now. It was 11.45pm The day is gonna over. The boy crying still looking on to his mobile.
At 11.55pm, Boy was in the arms of his friend crying when the mobile ranged. Yes it was the Girl.
The Boy started all again, with apologies and all and the girl accepted when it was about to end the day.

Few days passed, life was not so easy for the both the love birds. Girl searching for Job, and always asking his love to be here with her so that we can be together and live happily,
Boy trying to cope up his life without penny. Both frustrated, Both wana meet, but no money with either to come.
Girl trying her hard luck, frustrated said to the boy one day
“See I am a different Girl now, You will be unable to accept me what I am today, I am jobless and just because of you I am unable to get any one, Its better for us to stay away”

Before continuing, a small question… Did we ever thought, why the Girl is reacting like this when she too cry for her love when she is alone and why the boy has become so possesive and violent ??
Its all together the frustration being developed in their individual lives. They need each other but bound to stay a apart. Both of them have some negative qualities.
“Boy with his Anger, Girl with her Frustration” and the almighty targeted their love with their negativities for Testing.

Boy after hearing this, as usual reacted… less of violent but more of control. He said, this is not justified to blame.
Having a great past memories of 3 years were blowing as the days were passing. Boy started accepting everything from her. Cried thoughout the nights but didn’t responded.
He was not being calm but he was wearing the sheet of calmness which was controling him. The talks were almost no no between them. The boy do message her but the girl didn’t replied any of those.

One fierce day, the Girl replied… “Got the Job joining on Monday”.
Boy after reading smiled and replied… “Congrats and Be Happy Now”. It was a day among the best Happy days for both of them. But still both were speechless.
What they actually want from each other. No one can ever know.
Girl expecting a good reaction from his love received another message.
“As I am out of your life, your dreams are coming true, Good luck and be Happy and bla bla….” the girl cried and replied “You will never ever change yourself and your negativities…” and started the flames of blames again.

The boy was silent but could not control himself on a point since she has the job now, everything can be resolved but still she is blaming.
A word war with all sort of words… bad, worse, worst etc all were in… a battle of tears for both of them faught.
The Boy then declared with anger in full swing, your job is not your job. Its a gift purchased, keep it with you. The girl was stunned.
The Boy then declared your salary package, your designation, your reporting authority… everything was known to him. The girl was quiet with no earth below her feet.
The girl put the phone down, doesn’t know how to react. It was no Love, it was now a battle to give reply or does she deserve a gifted job while she cannot get one by proving herself !!!
The girl with tears called the Boy, Tell me the truth frankly, if you have realy buyed the job I will leave it right now…
The boy was confused but full of thoughts.
….Its gonna be a year now for her without a job,
….if she leaves it the frustration will grow exponetially,
….professionally the market is gonna close the hiring soon,
….this company will not allow her to appear again,
….he will loose her forever.
The Boy replied “No”,”I was telling lies, its your effort, its your job. To get you back in life i said that but dont leave the job as it is yours, only yours.”
And the chapter of love was almost closed after this incidence. The Boy cried a lot and the girl joined the Job.

Seeing all this, the almighty thought, this was actually not planned, why is this happening. The examination of love should have ended by the episode of job and they both should be happy now.
Need to look into this
The Boy started loosing his health, he became a patient of unconsciouness, low haemoglobin but he kept it with him. When the reactions of his health were seen by his friends… They asked “Whats Going On ??
He replied with a smile… I am in Love…
While driving a bike with tearfull eyes, the boy met with an accident and was taken to hospital, just a muscular strech nothing else.
A good friend visited his home after hearing the accident and forced him to get the things out of his mind. The boy explained
“No explanations required, I am a patient of love and no other disease i have, doctor says I have very low immunity of Blood Clot in my body, a single cut and the blood will flow like an unstopable tap”
The friend immediately went to the doctor and asked, What is the reason of his illnes of disimmunity ?
Doctor replied, Your dear friend gave 2 units of blood in 48 hours to a patient of kidney dilasys who require fresh blood. He did so because he was in urgent need of money.
We recommended him Not to do because of Low BP issue but he never listened and said it is to save his own life.”
The friend returned to the boy’s home where he saw a man taking some money in his pocket and boy bidding him thanks and hugs.
The friend with his anger asked “Who the man was whom you have given the money ? Can you explain me in detail, for what money is required ?”
Boy said “No explanations required from love, it is just a small amount to get a gift for my life and I am happy to present it. No matter the result is, am happy i took some amount from this person and i have returned it to him”
Friend said “Do not hide anything for the sake of ur love, tell me”
Boy explained ” Yes I got her gift by paying the amount which was out of my limitations. I had a saving collected since last six months to meet her, got some amount from the money lender on interest, the rest by selling my blood and i have no regrets to this
and I am ready to stay away as she want because if i’ll be with her, i wont accept the changes in her as she is not the one whome i loved but the sole remains the same and she is there in my dreams, I commited many mistakes in my life, gave her tears with no reasons. Its a curse on me to stay away from her
and I will stay away to let her life happily. Time will move and I will move with my dreams and if any how God feels that my curses are over I will surely get my Love back.

Time moved on, the boy onto his profession, now an all time thiest praying to god daily for an hour, no salary yet since six months now. Cannot pay the EMI of his loan, didn’t attend the calls from Bank and one day has to attend one when the bank called in office landline.
He was warned for the Police FIR and case registered for non payment of EMI’s and need to clear all the EMI’s within a week. Boy head’s down and discussed the issue with one of his Teacher, remembering his love and praying god for his love may come back and keep her hand on his hand to generate some power to face all this, but all in vain.
Days passed, Nothing can be done, Boy was just waiting for the blast from Bank and sooner the day came. Police and bank officials in office, the manager called him, not to be in office as they are in no mood of talks and will take you to cell.
Helplessly, Boy just cried, waiting for the people to come in and take him to cell as he droped all his hopes, but they didn’t appeared at his home. Next day morning the Police came in and called the Boy downstairs. They yelled like any damn cop style in the chamber of 3rd degree only didn’t used the physical haressment.
Gave the warning of next 24 hours and left. Collecting the pieces of himself the boy entered his room and saw his roomate on phone and make out that it is his Girl Friend taking the feedback what is going on with him. He could not control again.
He slapped his roomate, took the phone and shouted like hell out, what do you want now. Aren’t you happy now with your life. You are responsible for my situations, stay away and watch the music playing, in case more blood required from my body, Come and take it.
She replied I called up because the roomate messaged that you are in such a situation, but you and your anger will never change. you will not accept that I am happy with my friends, was planning to give you some time and by 3-4 months I will be back to your life, But You need money you will get it. Now dont even feel of any chances of us getting together.

Things were silent, tears blowing everywhere. What to do and what not… no one know. Boy need his life, Girl need changes in him when she has changed her way of thinking. Gift and circumstances of Boy were meaningless.
The Boy with only his moment of legs went to a temple near by and sat there. Asking the reason to god of this Examination of Life which Started from Love and now after his life, He kept on praying for his love, praying for his situations, praying for his mistakes, praying to get the evil out of his life so that he can live with his love if possible any more else, take his life now.
All mighty watching everything happening send his teacher. Boy “Go to Bank and take this amount to pay the pendings right away and clear it”
The Boy couldn’t speak anything but after 3 hours sitting in temple praying and crying, the Boy was with a different mind of acceptance and hope. He came to the temple after deciding to gave up his life but now the time has changed.
He went back to his home. Next morning paid the amount to bank and left for his Job. With a new spirit of life, keeping the heart full of tears behind went for his job after facing the crucial police drama and after yet another blast fight with his love which is now over.

The Boy enetered the office and with in 15 minutes, the manager called him, he went to speak to the manager and the manager declared… You need to get yourself relieve from your job Today. I am sorry for this decision, but company is unable to give you any salary and dont want to be responsible for your crisis.

The Boy speechless and smile with tears came out of office. Still couldn’t decide but now feeling like flowing into a wind of vibrations. Couldn’t hear anything, but still the voice of love passing by his ears. Eyes watching surroundings but can look his parents, sister and his Love calling him towards them.
His imagination power was disrupting the feeling of psychatric patient. He was more of smiling then bearing the pain and tears. It is now a usual fact of curse running right behind him. Some super natural evil which is spoiling every bit of his life but the other side god helping him to come out of it.
This Story yet requires an end and the game of almighty yet requires a completion to this love story full of Hates and Dislikes.

(Screen) Name: akki


My Mr.Darcy <3

Posted on : 13-04-2012 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : First Love, Romance Love Story

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I’ve had a very screwd up life when I was younger. My father desserted the family leaving my mother with 8 children in a house with 2 bedrooms. I was failing school. Liking this boy for years i was obsessed, the problem was i was shy and so was he. I used to self-harm and horrible other things I did to myself. But now he has saved me, everything I have suffered all the pain. being with him makes it all worth it, worth all of it. It took him 5 years.

I first met him when I was 9 yrs old, didnt quiet like him then so much but the more we talked I fell for him. 4 years and its been a secret I have never told anyone -ever! He;s got these other 2 bestfriends they are friends of mine too. i was told by bestfriend (guy1); that he likes me had has liked me for a long time and that guy 2 also likes me.–i cant understand why, I am a shy distraught, messed up little girl with massive life problems that you dont want to get involved in. They are all very rich and brought up in good families- and I would be an embarasment to be around.

Things get confusing afterwards as I hear from guy2 that guy1 and that the boy I’ve liked for years both like me.–I could not believe it! He liked me!! But then so did both of his bestfriends!!! I’ve stop meeting up with the 3 of them and would lie saying im sick, I just dont want to face awkwardness. Then, chocolates, flowers and ‘get well soon’ cards arrived at my front door. My mum could not stop laughing just reading them and eating my chocolates! Funny as I was not sick! I remember her saying that I just need to marry one of them and I would never need to worry about paying bills -LOL.

The boy that I liked was the richest among them them all, I didnt know back then but he lives in a castle in Austria!!! It was like a fairy tale story and he was my prince. He was showing a lot of signs that showed he liked me; he would put his arm around me, long lasting hugs, stare at me alot and would talk to me almost everyday all-of-a-sudden. he started to attend daily mass because i was there and meet up with me after school. He didnt know that I liked him yet.

It mainly started when guy1 his bestfriend tried to ask me to go out with him on Facebook?!! I sadly rejected him, it was hard as we were friends for so long but i didnt like him and his bestfriend is the boy i like.i told guy1 who it was that i liked and im sorry. And the boy i liked was abit angry with me at this moment because of some silly misunderstandimg, which was a lie guy1 told him to get him angry at me. He also has my Facebook password and as the reads the whole conversation with guy1 which involes me addmiting to loving him and revealing that what he has told him was a lie and used it to get me!! ahhh it was crazy!

The next time we meet up to go up town and chill out, he holds my hand infront of both of them he tells me it was a sign to tell them to “back off she’s my girl”. Later on he tells me how he really feels that he loves me and i say that i love him too.

I’ve never loved a person so much before, i never knew i had the capacity to a man so much after my father had left. He’s been helping my family so much and its shocking how he does not care what sort of background I come from.

Just yesterday we’ve had our first kiss goodbye before he left for the holiday to Austria.

.missing him so much it hurts..

(Screen) Name: inafairytale


The day he’ll notice.

Posted on : 08-07-2011 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Romance Love Story, Secret Love

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The end of grade 8 was coming. I was excited yet sad. It has been one of the most stressfree years ever for me. No drama! Woot to that. I’ve never been in a relationship before so I don’t know much about love but I have had crushes. I always questioned love. How would you know you were in love? Well there’s this guy I’ve known for 4 years and I’ve always, I mean ALWAYS bullied and hated on him. I mean we’ve been in the same class until grade 8 and I never felt any change. All the girls, I mean ALL the girls loved him. He was super athletic, soo atheletic that he thought it was bad when he got a bronze medal! I mean he was the only guy from our grade who got a medal. He was smart. I study all the time but only make it into the 80s. He never studies and he gets a mark higher then me. He’s good-looking. Sooo many girls fell for him because of his looks. He’s popular. His girlfriend is almost 20 though he just turned 14! I am NOT joking, I’m utterly serious. Maybe this is why I’ve always hated him. He’s got it all. Or maybe it’s because he’s cheated on my best friend and then after cheated on my other friend. But recently I’ve been growing feelings for him. I don’t even know why. I mean I’ve hated this guy for almost 4 years. How can I sprout feelings from hate? My mind, heart and soul don’t agree with it. I mean I’m always telling myself, who cares about him? He’s an idiot, cheater and liar who only has a huge ego. But then I start loving those parts of him. Maybe it’s God? I mean I only started looking at him after I had this dream about him. It’s weird. I dream of a romance created by God. I want complete destiny. Anything can be destiny though that’s the problem. I changed after I started looking at him. I’ve been wanting to be prettier just so he can look at me. I’ve been acting cuter so I can talk to him. I’ve been going against my will so I can fit in with him. I know I will NEVER tell him I like him so that’s why all the little things I change about myself is so he’ll notice just a little. And maybe the last day of next year, he’ll finally notice but maybe it’ll be too late.

(Screen) Name: Hahafunny


The beating wasnt so bad…but his hand with her’s…was heartbreaking

Posted on : 06-01-2010 | By : manu831raj | In : Romance Love Story

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Do you think that it’s okay for someone to be punished just because they love someone? Well my parents think that it is okay to punish someone just because they love somebody. Yesterday morning was another normal morning. Everything was going great until my dad saw me getting out of my husband’s car to go to my school. This is when things everything fell apart. As i was gettin out of the car, my dad drives by. I could see his eyes turn red with anger as he speeds his car away. I ran to school, and i asked my teacher if i could make a phone call to my mom and she said yes. I went to the main office and dialed his number instead of my moms’. When i called him, we made a plan that he is going to get a friend from college to sit with him in the car and pretened that he already has a girlfriend. Doing this, will make it look like i just got a ride from him…and that he’s not my boyfriend. Jasmine agreeed to help us so we decide on the following plan. When i go home and my parents ask me why i was with “that” boy, i will just tell them that i am friends with this girl that goes to my high school(who wud be jasmine) and “that” boy is her boyfriend. I wud also tell them that i missed my bus so jasmine and her boyfriend gave me a ride to school. That is what our plan was….although it turned out totally different when i got home. When i reached home, my parents weren’t home..thank goddness to that. Right then i called raj (gurwinder’s nickname..i only call him that) and we started talking until ravneet, my sister told me what my dad had told her about me. Ravneet had an early dissmissal from her school because of conferences. Ravneet told me that our dad said, that he’s going to beat the crap out of me and i will probably be sent to india forever. She also explained how my dad had seen me with raj in the past few days. I was in shock…and i was scared to know that the plan that we made wasn’t going to work. Too many questions raced through my mind at that time….i didn’t kno what to do…but to cry. I kept my feelings inside and i didn’t cry because raj and i had came up with a different plan. When my mom and dad reached home, my mom took me to her bedroom. She locked the door and slaped me so hard on my face. She said that i disrespected our religion and her trust. She kept on slapping me till my dad came into the room. He was furious with anger built up inside of him. He came up to me and slaped me. I faced him, asking him to just listen to me for one second so that i can explain to him what was really going on. But he didn’t listen to me…instead he pushed me onto the hard wooden floor and kicked me with his bulky shoes. I felt pain for the first few minutes, but he continued for about 10 minutes. He cursed at me….told me i was going to be sent to india forever. After a few minutes i just sat there on the floor, waiting to be hit again. I tried to defend myself by putting my two hands around my head….it didn’t work. After all i’am only 14. After my dad was done beating me, i got up and i told him that the only reason that i was in his car was because of jasmine, his girlfriend and my friend. I also told him that i missed my bus so i was walking and they asked me if i needed a ride and i said yes to them. I also told him that sometimes i didn’t get on the bus, instead i took rides from raj and his girlfriend. He said okay..lemme talk to his girlfriend. And so i called her on the number that raj gave to me. When i called, i was crying and i told her to talk to my dad. My dad started to talk to her…he asked her if whatever i told him was true. And obviously she was going to say, yes we do give her rides once in while and that raj is really my boyfriend, not manpreet’s. After my dad was done talking to jasmine, raj took the phone and started to talk to my dad. As soon as my dad heard his voice, he started to curse at him like crazy, half in our language and the other half in english. haha it was kinda funny now that it’s all over lol…im a retarted person…u’ll kno wat i mean as i write more entries. Anywaysz continuing on with my story…so after my dad was done talking to raj and jasmine, my mom took my dad downstairs. They both went downstairs and discussed how to solve this problem. After a few minutes my mom came upstairs and i told her that mom please believe me. She said that she only believes in half of my story and that she will believe me fullly once raj and his (fake) girlfriend comes to our house to show my parents that they really are girlfriend and boyfriend. So my mom called raj and told him that if you arent going to come to our house with ur girlfriend then we will think that manpreet truly is your girlfriend. So raj brought jasmine to our house after 1 and half hour. Right before raj and jasmine reached my house, my dad left to get my baby brother’s diapers. (lol so random…i kno). My mom and i went outside to talk to raj and jasmine. I really didn’t say anything, but raj did most of the talking. He explained how this girl (jasmine) is his girlfriend and not me. He also told her that they did give me rides to school but they wont any more. My mom said that it’s fine and she let it go. Thank god my dad wasn’t there…he’d probabaly slap him …and that would hurt me more than anything. Before jasmine and raj were about to leave i noticed that raj and jasmine were holding hands. They only did this to show my mom that they both were really girlfriend and boyfriend. Being kicked all over for 10 mins and crying for god knows how long, the thing that was most painfull was not any of the things that happened to me but instead was to see his hand with her hand…..even though it was just ment to be a way to convince mom..it still hurted me from deep within. My blood started to rush to my face, burning me from the inside. I wanted to go up to raj an force him to let go of her hand but i knew that he couldnt think of another girl as anything more than a sister. It still burned me from the inside to see him holding another girl’s hand, but i had to face the truth that he had to do it…..for the sake of our love.

(Screen) Name: monaxoxo831

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