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Welcome to the Love Story Blog of Love-Sessions.

Do you have a special love story? Actually every love story is great. How does it begin, what did it take, who was involved and how did it end if it ended.

Hollywood's best movies are love stories! We are eager to read yours or maybe you are just eager to read others.  Maybe one of the producers of Hollywood is reading your story and what a story that would be!

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Was it Love??

Posted on : 31-05-2012 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : First Love, Romance Love Story



Story starts in the year 1995, when I was six years old. I am one of the lucky girls from our middle class hindu family who was sent to a boarding I.C.S.E. school. The same year a Christian boy with his younger brother came to study in the same school.He was Vivek (Changed name).Luckily we stayed in the same hostel for five years but we never talked with each other just admired each other.
In 2003 I discovered my feelings for him.I was then in class 9th and he was in 10th.He was someone who used to talk very less to girls, was very popular student as he always stood first in his class. I was not so studious like him but used to get good marks.Maybe that was infatuation I thought, but I used to follow him everywhere with my friend during recess hours.Though I was too crazy about him I never even talked to him.I joined various clubs in our school just to stay closer to him. During this period I noticed that he too looks at me as I was really good looking during my school days.Year was over, he completed his 10th and left the school. But his memories were still on my mind. I thought if my love was true he will surly come to me,if not it was just an infatuation.
After six years, I was in my first year MBA, I met him in Orkut. I sent him a friend request and asked him if he knows me? He replied and showed too much interest in me.He told me that he admired me in schooldays and wanted to talk to me but didn’t because of some situations. After few weeks I confessed to him in chats that I used to like him in my schooldays. He replied that this is not new to him as he is aware of my feelings and he said why I hid this from him for so long.Once he came to visit me from Mumbai.He was then studying in Mumbai.After seven years when I met him, I was too much confused. I felt that this is not the one whom I liked, he was too much changed. Then I decided not to talk with him anymore. I disconnected his calls for many days, even did not replied to his messages.But after some days I felt very bad for him and thought I should not go on appearance as he is the same guy whom I have been liking for years.Then we were in contact in facebook and continued with our long night chats.Till now he has not proposed me nor did I but our talks were very similiar to GF/BF talks.He shared all his problems and his secrets with me.In 2011 I was about to complete my MBA. My parents were looking for a guy for my marriage. I thought I should clear with vivek about our relationship, since we even had kiss in our chats and still we are not into any relationship. I thought of proposing him and did so….THE TIME WAS WRONG OF COURSE…He was too tensed regarding his placements and started ignoring me…He told we are from different community and this is not possible..don’t know why but I didn’t felt bad..not even 1%…After that we had some formal chats for few days..I got a good job but he is still struggling…He told to some of his friends who are my friends too that he just treated me like a normal friend….but still I’m behind him ( acc. To him).….We are still friends in facebook but rarely chat…Though I pray for him but don’t feel bad that he rejected me…But I have one question If he does,nt love me why he asked for kisses..which like a fool I accepted….If I was in love then I should feel bad,or am I strong enough not to feel bad for a guy who just used me as his timepass????Was it Love?

(Screen) Name: Anisha


innocence of love

Posted on : 01-10-2011 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : First Love, Romance Love Story

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i was 13 when i had my love @ first sight in my schooling life, i’m a romantic idiot since my schooling days,always in search of love n keep listening to romantic love story films, specially inspired by shahrukh khan.

That was the 1st day of my 6th class,I came to school at early hours started waiting for my friends near cycle parking so that was the first time i saw my love,she is “sufia” with cute little face with spectacles,pink wrist watch,pink hair band,pink bangles oh gosh pink was her favorite colour n she was most cutest in the pink combination.

sufia was a new joiner to my school, i was just flatted to her, from the day 1 i’ve ben observing her daily in the mornings her dad used to drop her, then after few days she started soming to school in pink bicycle 😀
this was funny n crazy world for me to see her daily passes through my streets.

one fine day i spoke to her through my closest friend shehnaz she is another sweet gal in my schooling life she was a very good friend of mine. so she helped me a lot in making friendship with sufia.

finally i became close friend of sufia, we started to roam on bicycles daily n she used to come to my home, my sis was her frnd too, she was even a good dancer,so our meetings were often,this is how 2 years passed.

i was in love with her deeply n decided to marry her, i kept all these feelings in myself never got guts to propose her,days ended that was time she was shifted to another school n i just remained empty with out expressing myself.

It took time for me to digest this, but some how my schooling life was very colorful with my friends.those days were so innocent n my love was even innocent n so pure.

now i dont find any such kind of pure n fresh feelings in this day to day life, thats why i keep rolling my memories how sweet n innocent days i had spent in my life.

this may seem sunny to read but just wrote this to tel u the innocence of love is very pure.

— sajid ali

(Screen) Name: sajid


My first love

Posted on : 10-09-2011 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : First Love, Romance Love Story

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Teenage Love, Crush, School, Not always a happy ending, mixed feelings.

(Screen) Name: JustANormalGirl8


My First love

Posted on : 10-09-2011 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : First Love, Romance Love Story

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I’m a teenage girl. I always thought that teenagers are to young for love. So if any of my friends were to say ” Hes the one!”, ” Im in love with him for sure”, or ” But I can’t break up with him, I love him!” I would think ‘ They have NO idea what their talking about’ but this was before it happened to me.

His name is Dane. I only met him this school year, he came from an other school with some of his friends. I go to a small school so we only have about 400 students tops at my school. There are four buses that drops us off. We both caught the bus to school but he caught bus four while I caught bus one. If anyone would of asked me if I had feelings for him I would of probably look at them if they were crazy, but this was before I fell in love with him.

Hey don’t get me wrong, I don’t just judge people on the spot from their looks but when I first saw him he wasn’t the most good looking guy here. His hair was always messy, he had one hell of a mouth on him, he always acted stupid around his friends and he was just plain goofy.

In the 2nd quarter of school he and his sister would sometimes catch my bus after school. Since he was the same age as me, my friends and I would talk to him on the bus. Turns to find out he wasn’t such a bad guy. He was fun to hang around with, that goofy grin would always make us laugh, that dirty mouth of his always had something funny to say then later we became good friends.

When I started to know that I had a crush on him wad toward the ending of the 2nd quarter on the bus coming back from school. We dropped of the 1st load of kids so there was barely anyone on the bus. He sat across from me we talked a little but we was both tired from school so we just looked out the window. For some reason I kept glancing at him to see what he was doing, but when ever I would look back at him he would just be looking at me too. I just don’t know, I looked him right in the eye quickly then turned to my window. I felt it, my heart beated so fast, my face heated up, I couldn’t stop smiling and I just knew I had a feelings for him.

I couldn’t help but think ‘God why? Why do I like him?’ like any girl would of course I tell my best friend. Leah. She thought it was soo funny! Remember what I told you? He wasn’t the best looking guy or the smartest. I told her to be quite and we just laughed together and she thought that it was just sooooooooo cute!

I was set on getting over it. I thought it was gonna be easy because 1. I have zero out of seven periods with him so I would barely even see him. 2. He catches my bus after school like once every two weeks or something. So you see what I mean? Easy. But boy was I wrong. He ended up being in a tutoring class ( like I said, he IS NOT the smartest guy around) and was able to cross out two periods and had to move to the rest of my classes. Then he and his sister had practice for paddling so everyday after school he would catch my bus because my bus was a faster route.

I was so irritated that my plan had failed but was a little….well fine I was really happy that I saw him more. At first Leah and I thought it was just a bad crush. Like really bad because I never acted how I did to any of my previous crushes. He could just walk pass me and I would be smiling like crazy. He would just talk to me or just give me his goofy grin and I would blush until my head looked like a giant tomato. He could be sick and I would panic and sometimes even be close to tears. It was just a confusing feeling.

Then somehow everyone started to notice ( you would have been blind not too) that I liked him. I’m sure that he was the ONLY one that didn’t notice. But when he found he started acting so different around me. He only talked to me if it were necessary, he couldn’t look at me in the eye anymore, and he would avoid me.

I couldn’t handle it! It was nearing two weeks and it was just driving me to depression. I was sad most of the time and tried to hide it. I was even brought down to tears and just couldn’t take it anymore. I was so close to being over it. One more day of the pain and suffering and it would be over. But then he just…ugh!

He started to crack up jokes around me again. Hang out with me and my friends again and all these other things and I was so mad! But…I almost cried at how happy I was because he started talking to me and hanging out with me again. But again if someone were to say ” So are you to gonna go out?” he would just play it off pike another joke of his and say ” Not gonna happen!” or ” No way, me and her?” I knew that he was just letting me off easily but it still hurts.

But then I started to get mixed signals! He would always be looking at me or something. I caught him staring at me alot! And sometimes if we would get into touchy play kind fights he would blush. And just smile at me, not his goofy grin but a nice smile with that adorable blush on him made me blush too! And on the last day of school we had out banquet. I was just gonna give him a quick hand shake when I had to go ( hey I’m a tomboy, don’t judge) but when I reached out my hand he grabbed it and pulled his arm around me then hugged me tight. That was one of the best moments of my life. I couldn’t help but feel the warmth go through my body.

I had boyfriends before but they never made be felt like that with just a hug. That’s when I knew it was more then just a crush. We are now almost back to school and just finished summer school not to long ago and are still dancing around each other with mixed feelings.

If anyone would ever say, ask, or tell me I might deny it…never mind I will dent it. It’s not just a crush anymore…I’m in love with him. I don’t just love that body of his ( he goes to paddling practice and they build a body. What can I say?) or that grin that could make any girl blush. I love that goofy grin, they way he acts, his laugh, his smile, that glint in his eyes, his messy hair, his dirty mouth, and everything else. He is my first love and I will remember that forth rest of my life.

(Screen) Name: Just a Girl8


In The End, I’m The One Chasing

Posted on : 10-09-2011 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Romance Love Story, Secret Love

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It was my Third Term in College, Or Last term as a freshmen in my school and because of an unfortunate chain of events plus my slothfulness my schedule for that term was all night classes. My classes everyday started at 6pm and ends at 9pm. Being the optimistic me i just said to myself that it might be fun and a new experience in college. I was so nervous since i was 100% sure there would be no familiar faces for me to see since all my classmates last two terms were all Morning or Afternoon Classes. Than I entered my first class of the first day of the term.It was World Literature and i was right. there was nobody that i knew. I sat at the last row where there was only two of us, His name was Danny and we became good friends.

The next meeting i was late for class and when i entered i saw that Danny was absent and that another person was seated in the last row. He was seated next to my spot. When i sat down there was a slight aura of awkwardness since i’m not really a social person so i don’t know how to easily interact with strangers. He broke our silence by asking me if there was anything that he missed since he was absent on the first meeting. I told him that there was some hand-outs that was given. He asked for mine so that he could photocopy it to have his own copy. After that we talked and by the end of the Class he asked for my name and he gave his but i wasnt able to hear it clearly. I did hear our professor calling him mateo and so that was what i called him.

Days passed and Me, Mateo and Danny became close especially since it was only the three of us who were seated at the last row. Mateo than told us that Mateo wasn’t really his name. We were shocked. The only reason he was being called Mateo by our professor was that because he looked like a TV actor named Mateo. We all laughed when he learned this. He than gave his real name. “It’s Roy” he said.

Roy is a very sweet, Nice and Smart Guy. A Gentleman you might say. although a little kid at heart when it comes to hobbies and past time but than it still adds to his charms. He somebody you can totally count on or a shoulder to cry on. Whenever we’re both online he would show me links to funny videos in youtube or would ask me what i’m doing. It never really bothered me. I was never irritated with him. Sometimes i just don’t feel like talking to him. I know it sounds awful of me but i guess that’s just who i am. When there’s something important i’m doing everything and everybody seems so irrelevant to me.

The term ended and we didn’t see each other anymore since our course was different and that we were now in different campuses. I was in the Art and Design Campus of the school while he was in our Main Campus. After two months it was raining really hard and i don’t know if classes were suspended so i thought of texting one of my schoolmates. A funny thing happened i remembered Roy and then started to miss him. I texted him asking if classes were suspended. He replied “Yes. Btw how are you? its been so long.” I dont know why but my heart pumped fast and my face became red. I never really had a crush on him since he was never my type so now i was confused why i was blushing on him. We texted for a while and after that he never left my mind.

A week has passed and i still couldn’t get him off my head. I wanted to see him badly and so i texted him on a Thursday night and asked if he wanted to go out and watch a movie on Friday. He said sure. I felt like i was on top of a rainbow when he said yes. Just like any girl i wanted to dress my best especially since i was about to go out with a man that i now have a crush on. Friday came and we met. I was the one all dressed up yet i was the one stunned when i saw you. You became more Good looking. Handsome. I felt like it wasn’t Roy that i was gonna go out with but a Prince Charming.

We went on our way to the mall. On the cinema floor we were deciding what to watch. In the end we chose Cowboys and Aliens but i never told you that i already watched that movie. For me the Important thing was that i get to spend some time with you. Before the movie we ate at Burger King and again i didn’t told you that i already ate burgers and fries on before our date. It’s funny how i have to go though those things again and yet i didn’t complained and actually enjoyed it. The Movie ended and we were about to go to a bar to drink before we go home. We were already outside the mall waiting for a cab when you asked if it was okay if we cancel the drink since your mother is looking for you and wanted to discuss something. I said okay. It depressed me a little though since i really wanted to spend the whole night with you. You called your driver and drove me home. “It was fun. Let’s do it again sometime.” is the last thing you said and it made my night complete.

Now we chat again see each other from time to time and go to parties together. It really has been the best during this past month. I’m falling for you more and more each day but the sad part is i know you don’t feel the same way. I know that you’re just really really nice and friendly that’s why you’re doing these things for me. That’s why my feelings for you is the biggest secret you will never know. I just want to enjoy every moment we spend together and hopefully this feeling that i have for you will move on.I know i’ll regret never telling Roy my feelings but would it be better to be always be friends with constant communication than take a chance on love that might just end up in tears and heart breaks especially since i consider you truly as one of the most precious friends i have.

(Screen) Name: Just Friends


Wishing It Was Me…

Posted on : 22-06-2011 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Romance Love Story, Secret Love

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I’m fourteen years old and I fell in love with my classmate for the first time… I don’t know why but I did… My friends told me that he wasn’t that good. I know. They said he wasn’t nice but I said they were wrong… I saw everything in reverse, and told him I like him. I knew inside that he never reciprocated my love but I kept on insisting that there maybe a chance… In the end I broke my own heart. My friends told me to stop loving him and I always tell them “yeah I already forgot him… I already moved on…” it was painful because I can’t even tell how I felt… Time passed the feelings subsided… and my first love ended badly…

I was ready to love once again and I am already fifteen… but I can’t because I made a promise to myself I won’t love again until that person love me back and if someone fell for me and if he was my past I won’t go for it.. I was scared to fall again… I thought maybe if I keep everything to myself things will come my way…

I wasn’t your typical beautiful girl… I’m chubby but people keep on telling me “hey, why don’t you try reducing… we think you’re cute that way…” I want to try hard but I can’t even go on a diet… even so I was still happy with my life… I enjoy being with my friends and hanging out with them… I was happy to stay just the way I am… I love to give advice to my friends for their success in their relationships… I was considered a match maker… i know who will end up with who and i know what a guy likes and what a girl wants…

One day in December while we were eating at a fast food chain my friends asked me “Don’t you have someone you like? You can match us yet you can’t find someone good for you… we can help…”, “No Thanks. I’m fine this way…” we were interrupted when one of my friends, Jeremy said he was waiting for someone… his volleyball buddy… Mark… I know him I played with him once when I was in 6th grade… but I can’t remember much… except that I liked him before…

“Hey, Jeremy…” my thoughts were lost when he finally came in… He didn’t change… I asked myself “Can he still remember me?” I hoped not because that memory of him from my past was bad… I always bad-mouthed him saying his arrogant and full of himself… He looked at me and smiled “Hi, ******.” (It’s embarrassing to reveal myself…)I looked at him and smiled back… I looked away and started talking with my friends… He was leaving for practice and said would follow us later on…

We played in the arcade from noon till dawn… One by one each of our friends were leaving when he came it was only five of us left… Jeremy, her girlfriend Aiya, Aimee, Mark and me… It was still fun I got to know Mark more… We were going home and Mark told me he knew me… He has a brother which was my classmate… I went to their house sevral times since it was near our home…

He was older than me by two years but I didn’t care I was falling for him once again… I broke my promise to myself to be with him…yet I was scared to tell him how feel… I don’t want to break my new found friendship and I don’t want to repeat what happened in the past… I was scared once again…

I always hang out with my friends together with Mark… they always tease us for being like a couple… I felt happy inside yet I wasn’t able to tell him how I felt… I just realized I no longer have a place in his heart… I was losing him… He was growing distant…

One day, we went home early we were riding the train together he asked me… “What do you think about kate?” I just smiled and told him what I think Kate is mean and a boy machine… he just smiled at me and said goodbye… I didn’t know why he asked that but he told me before that his bestfriend Bryan was Kate’s ex… they were perfect together a playboy and a boy machine just pure luck!

The next day I realized he wasn’t looking nor talking to me anymore… He was ignoring me! It hurts to see the person you like ignoring you… weeks passed he also stopped going with us… I was feeling bad about myself… I asked myself “What did I do to recieve this?”… days went by he talks to my friends yet not to me… I was walking pass our class room when I saw him looking… I met his eyes and turned away… Rumours were spreading fast in our school… about break ups, crushes and the culutural festival… We were planning ahead… the campus was full of buzz…

At the cultural festival we planned a movie booth and I was one of the people selling tickets… I decided to try it as a way of talking, I approached him and said “Hey, care to buy one for our booth… please?” he looked at me and apologized “Sorry I have a match today maybe tommorow…” O was starting to walk away when I heard one of my friends voice “Mark! buy a ticket!come one…” I looked at his reaction and said “Yeah, sure…” I didn’t pay attention to it…

After the festival another rumour spread… “Kate used Mark to make Bryan jealous!” I was shocked and I didn’t know if it was true or not… My friend Aimee asked him “Is it true?” he avoided the question which means yes… I was at the back looking at him thinking “Do you love her that much?”…

One of my friend invited us to a networking company he wanted us to join… he was there, he was a member of the company… since there was no age limit… I thought maybe I should join since he was graduating and mayabe I can spend summer with him… I snuck out of the room wanting fresh air since I wasn’t interested at the topic of the speaker… I was about to leave the building for awhile when he walked by my side… I didn’t care… it was awkwardly silent…

minutes flew and nothing change it was getting awkward so I started a conversation… “Girl problems?” I said while taking a candy from my pocket… I passed him one and he replied while popping the candy in his mouth… “not really… I didn’t knew will go with James’s plan of the so called kiddnapping to go to a meeting…” I laughed and said “yeah I went with the plan…” he gazed at the night sky… “You like Kate do you?” he looked at me ad said once again “not really” I laughed “then you’re desperate?” I joked… “yeah since I don’t really like anyone that much…” I looked at the city light and sighed “are you cold?” I smiled and stated “nah, just thinking…” it was the truth… I was thinking yeah I shouldn’t get my hopes up… He doesn’t like me that way… I was interuppted by his question “Hey what do you think of me?” I hesitated a bit my heart was thumping madly I can’t tell him I like him I was scared… “You’re like a brother to me… but an immature and proud one…” I tried to cover up… “an immature and proud brother huh?” I stammered “o-of course! you’re older than me remember? hahaha!” another cover up… he fell silent and stared outside… “yeah, that’s it…” I was breaking I can’t keep up anymore so I lied “I’m feeling cold now so I think I should go inside first…” he nodded and continued to stare outside “If you’re having girl problems consult your little sister ‘kay?” I smiled an walked away… tears started to fall I wanted to tell him yet I chickened out once again…

A brother… who the hell am I kidding? I know it was more than that! I want to be the person who will stand by him… the normal happenings continued… he never talked to me at school and I was back to normal hanging out and became the match maker once again… It was the usual… as if that conversation never happened… I realized it was already time for graduation… he was leaving the volleyball team, the school and my life for good…

I missed my chance he graduated without even saying goodbye… he won’t reply to my text anymore I felt the distance of our friendship… my love was unrequited or should I say one sided… even though he changed school I didn’t forget about him I still love him… his brother told us Mark will visit us the next day… I was happy I was going to see him again…

The day came and he was there as promised he was with a girl… he called us one by one and stated that she was his girlfriend… It crushed me… i just smiled when he calld me and said “hey ****** this is Yui my girlfriend… Yui my so called little sister of the team ******…” I said hello and shook her hand… I lost for the second time… She was beautiful and mature… I lost bigtime… after that meeting he never came back to our school even for a single visit…

A year passed I was trying to forget about him… even though I can’t… I was recovering from the blow when I found out that it wasn’t the final blow… I was conetented to see him even once a year… but it was also taken from me… my parents finally decided to flew to spain (by the way I’m from the philippines…) after my graduation… I was never going to see him again… I was already left without chances… I was desperate to see him… his brther told me he was going to the graduation… I know that I don’t have anything to lose now… I was leaving being rejected is nothing to the pain of leaving him…

Graduation came fast… I accepted my diploma and was ready for drama when my friends came and hugged me… I was crying hard because I didn’t want leave them and also Mark… he approached me and smiled “I heard you’re leaving…” I nodded the smiled “don’t get sad when I’m not here anymore brother!” I wanted to talk to him in private and I decided to tell him… “let’s walk I want to tell you something before I leave…”

We walked together like before “you changed alot… you cut you’re hair short, you lost your old weight an you grew taller…” he said I just kept quiet… I kept on walking when he stopped… I was gathering my courage… “what’s the matter?” I faked a smile and said “nothing, let’s keep on walking!” I turned around and started to walk again he held my hand to stop me “I know you! you’re loud and you become quiet when there’s something up…” I tried to smile once again it was a success yet my tears won’t stop falling… “I-I…” he looked at me seriously and said “why? what happened?” I was lost I didn’t want to leave… I hugged him and said “I don’t want to leave! I can’t! I love you!” he just kept quiet and pat my head and said “I’m sorry…” I can’t blame him… I was too scared… I hugged him tight and said “Don’t say sorry… I knew this will happen I should have told you long ago… I was scared to lose you… I’m so sorry… I never looked at you a my brother! I’m so sorry for lying… I know that you only see e as your sister that’s why I don’t want to tell you!” everything was overflowing… the feeling that were left untouched for 3 years rose again… he just listened to me and finally “you’re wrong…” he said… “I didn’t saw you as a sister before it was you who told me to give up on you…” my eyes widened I asked myself “Does he mean he loved me before? Was I the only one who made thing worse?” He laughed and said “We both didn’t know…” I asked him “You loved me?” and he laughed once again and replied “No… It’s not that I loved you… because until now I love you…” I realized I was scared for nothing my feelings were reciprocated but I chose not to pursue him… I don’t want to hurt his girlfriend…

After knowing how he felt I had enough courage to leave the philippines… I went to spain and study medicine… I became a doctor and I went back to the philippines… I loved him, I love him, I still love him and I will always love him… The feelings that never wavered was always there… It never changed… I grew old only loving him… He married another girl and I married another man… but the feelings were worth keeping… He was my brother and I was his sister… and I love him…

It wasn’t a happy story yet it ended just great for me…

(Screen) Name: waiting girl


Impossible love with the perfect girl….

Posted on : 08-05-2011 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Romance Love Story, Secret Love

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I am actually someone who is afraid of what people thinks about his feelings because that is very common, people criticize all that we think or do, and well my story involves all that…

I’m German Palacio a guy from Colombia and all started because my friend Juliana failed the year so we became very close and when i saw her with her group of friends i could saw a girl, a girl that was beautiful, her eyes just killed me his hair was beautiful, but nothig was more amazing that her eyes they were perfect, her name was Diana i think that with her it was the first time i actually experienced what is love at first sight, i just couldn’t believe she was beautiful.

I had a problem, i didn’t trust in myself and i was so insecure, so scared, i thought that i was ugly, i knew that if i talked to her i will like vomit or something, but i loved her, my friend Juliana told me that i had no chance with her but i already knew that because she was a year older than me, but that’s obvious. Thr o ly think i focused on everyday was looking at her and admire all the light that she gave to my heart as i passed right in front of her in recess, one day when i was in x-mas holidays i had the stupid idea of sending her a message saying her all the things that i was feeling but then i realized that was the most stupid thing i’ve ever done she told Juliana and when we returned from holidays she told me that i was very idiot because of sending her that message so i was pretty mad with myself because of 2 reasons: first, Diana woukd never pay attention to me so the message was useless, and second, i was mad because i just realized wih Juliana that the message was so stupid. 

Time passed and i was still in love with her i couldn’t sleep thinkig about her and the worst thing is that i didn’t knew anything about her because she was a year older than me so i screw it all up because i was in love with the wrong person but i couldn’t take her out of my mind.

One day Juliana told me that Diana wanted to meet me, i just couldn’t believe it i thought Diana wanted to give me chance, but that was BS, Diana wanted to meet me because Juliana told him i was a great person not as boyfriend but as friend so i was actually very disappointed, but i knew she would never give me a chance.

I tried to talk to her but it was useless because when i’m in love i’m stupid, i’m nervous so it was very sad to see that then i just couldn’t look a her.

Now we are in 2011 and i’m still in love with her, but believe or not she suddenly started to talk to me by messenger so i’m happy i know she doesn’t want anything with me but at least being her friend that for me is like flying have the chance to be by her side protecting her, i just dream of incredible endings for this story, but the real thing my friends is that i cant lie to you i’m suffering for her. And it isnt good but i just love her she gives me light to be happy everyday, her eyes are brighter than a thousand suns….


(Screen) Name: Impossible Love


Love or what???

Posted on : 08-09-2009 | By : aishu.raj | In : First Love, Romance Love Story



We met in school, 11th grade, one of the first days…He was is the neighbouring section.we didn’t take notice of each other.we were friends but nothing more than that. Then came up a school outing. he was there and i was there..we belonged to the same group. so we chose to hangout together.there were small..things that happened…that weren’t special but turned out special for the two of us…We exchanged phone no. and started coming closer and closer…he already had a crush on me, but thought i was dating someone else, so he chose not to tell me. One day i happened to ask him if he has feelings for someone in this school, and to that he replied very truthfully, YES! for two weeks i kept asking for clues and guessing who the girl was.. at the end of which it was clear, who she was. Me. i wasnt into him then. thought a lot. Do i like him? and had had the record of not having crushes…and then suddenly i realised,
i am in love. he asked me out.i said yes.it was all working out well until he realised after a month that he was still not over his ex girlfriend. and had nothing to say then because i was totally into him. we broke up but chose to be friends. i wanted him to be happy so i told him that im over him.its been a year now since we broke up, and i still have the same feelings for him.

(Screen) Name: aishu.raj

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