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Welcome to the Love Story Blog of Love-Sessions.

Do you have a special love story? Actually every love story is great. How does it begin, what did it take, who was involved and how did it end if it ended.

Hollywood's best movies are love stories! We are eager to read yours or maybe you are just eager to read others.  Maybe one of the producers of Hollywood is reading your story and what a story that would be!

Enjoy our site and we look forward to receive your story!

A Cute Short Love Story

Posted on : 28-08-2015 | By : admin | In : Soul Mates

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Hey everyone,

Dis one is for very special person,
Who came in my life like an Angel and change my all world in to a fairytale.

So this message is for none other a girl, whom I met exactly 10 months earlier at my home Railway Station going towards the most lovable place of India,
Where it was my first interaction with the most beautiful smile whom i can found in a fraction of a sec in a population of 7 billion people.

With the days passing, I couldn’t stand by myself with this innocent heart full of simplicity….

A girl who is like a song,
Always in a tune of happiness,
It’s a assurance from me tht who ever listen to dis song will go in flavour of Cherish ness
A girl with a golden and a lovable heart.

After a time,
We started coming close with the only medium of technology – Chats Calls, etc
The purge of a heart was so strong that it bypassed the distance of two cities,

Slowly, the heart get connected,
The acceptance of two without a acceptance in official,
which is a propose to a heart to a heart,
N lovable story of a two started,
Like others there was everything a couple has love, dhamaal, masti, fights, dance..etc
With a addition of a true love of never demanding connection…with a adventurous fearless risky steps tht other won’t dare too for sure…

Life gonna seems like a new life,
A never before feeling started feeling,
Thn lots n lots of new pals getting started.

N nw today when I draw back into my memories, I can found n number of memories which just passed in a period of only 10 months, which is more healthier then the memories I passed in rest of my age.

Today this is jst an simple message to a girl from a boy who loves her so much wishing her a very Happy Birthday n a grt life ahead…

Thank you,
A lover to a lover.


The story of how I loved

Posted on : 02-05-2013 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : First Love, Romance Love Story

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I post my love story on a blog that I run. I would be happy if you check it out, leave a comment, give your opinion, tell me what was right, what I did wrong, give me advice. The story is actually still running in my life, it hasn’t ended yet and that’s why your help is welcome. Thank you.
theloveilive.blogspot . com

(Screen) Name: Anon Ymous


An angel brought us together

Posted on : 20-09-2012 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Romance Love Story

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For privacy reasons, I am going to use fake names. My current girlfriend’s name will be babe and the mutual friend will be angel

After being dumped by my ex girlfriend who said “You are too nice of a guy”, I was heartbroken and hopeless. Months have passed and I was out of control meaning partying nonstop and trying to get the relationship off my mind. On memorial weekend 2012, I went to Las Vegas where I met the love of my life through a mutual friend. I met babe in Las Vegas of all places. At first, we were just friends and didn’t know a thing about each other.

As a month passed by, I met babe again in Vegas through our mutual guy friend angel. It was EDC weekend and us 3 partied with a bigger group of friends. Babe and I talked but never had feelings for one another even though I thought she was attractive however she thought I was too young for her. We all had a blast EDC weekend and I ended up getting her number then and contacted her through text messaging.

During the summer, I traveled to Thailand with family. Babe and I texted nearly everyday during the month I was overseas. At this point, I was cautious of liking any woman or being in a relationship. We both kept or relationship on a friendly level.

When I came back from my trip, I needed to catch up with her in person, so I drove almost an hour away just to see her since she lives far. During the time babe and I tried to get to know each other I always went back to talk to my friend angel about how she felt about me since she thought I was too young. Angel told me “don’t give up” and I will never forget he always gave me confidence and strength to keep on talking to babe.

As babe and I went on our second day out, she gave me a kiss right after I dropped her off at her house. That kiss made me feel that inner connection between us that I have never felt before. Right then and there, I knew this was something special. Not too long after, we told our friend Angel we are officially dating!

A few nights later, Angel, a group of friends, and I went to a concert in LA. Angel was happy for babe and I. Angel said he knew I was a great guy for her and babe was a great woman for me. I couldn’t thank Angel enough for bringing babe and I together.

About a few days after babe and I were dating, Angel, Babe, a few friends of ours, and I were enjoying ourselves with a night of clubbing. That would be the last night babe and I would ever see Angel again.

Two nights later, Angel died in a DUI car accident. Babe and I couldn’t believe it. Angel was one of Babe’s best friends and he was one of my more trusted and beloved friends.

Suffering through so much grief, Babe and I tried to pull ourselves to together and stay strong. We believe Angel brought us together for a reason. Before Babe and I knew each other, Angel knew we were both hopeless romantics perfect for one another.

Till this day, we call Angel our “Cupid” and “Angel” watching over us as Babe and my relationship has bloomed so quickly and grown so deeply in love with one another. Angel was our savior. Babe and I wished that only if he was here to see our relationship grow as great as it has been even with him still here. We can’t thank him enough.

(Screen) Name: Ourangel


An angel brought us together

Posted on : 20-09-2012 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Romance Love Story

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For privacy reasons, I am going to use fake names. My current girlfriend’s name will be babe and the mutual friend will be angel

After being dumped by my ex girlfriend who said “You are too nice of a guy”, I was heartbroken and hopeless. Months have passed and I was out of control meaning partying nonstop and trying to get the relationship off my mind. On memorial weekend 2012, I went to Las Vegas where I met the love of my life through a mutual friend. I met babe in Las Vegas of all places. At first, we were just friends and didn’t know a thing about each other.

As a month passed by, I met babe again in Vegas through our mutual guy friend angel. It was EDC weekend and us 3 partied with a bigger group of friends. Babe and I talked but never had feelings for one another even though I thought she was attractive however she thought I was too young for her. We all had a blast EDC weekend and I ended up getting her number then and contacted her through text messaging.

During the summer, I traveled to Thailand with family. Babe and I texted nearly everyday during the month I was overseas. At this point, I was cautious of liking any woman or being in a relationship. We both kept or relationship on a friendly level.

When I came back from my trip, I needed to catch up with her in person, so I drove almost an hour away just to see her since she lives far. During the time babe and I tried to get to know each other I always went back to talk to my friend angel about how she felt about me since she thought I was too young. Angel told me “don’t give up” and I will never forget he always gave me confidence and strength to keep on talking to babe.

As babe and I went on our second day out, she gave me a kiss right after I dropped her off at her house. That kiss made me feel that inner connection between us that I have never felt before. Right then and there, I knew this was something special. Not too long after, we told our friend Angel we are officially dating!

A few nights later, Angel, a group of friends, and I went to a concert in LA. Angel was happy for babe and I. Angel said he knew I was a great guy for her and babe was a great woman for me. I couldn’t thank Angel enough for bringing babe and I together.

About a few days after babe and I were dating, Angel, Babe, a few friends of ours, and I were enjoying ourselves with a night of clubbing. That would be the last night babe and I would ever see Angel again.

Two nights later, Angel died in a DUI car accident. Babe and I couldn’t believe it. Angel was one of Babe’s best friends and he was one of my more trusted and beloved friends.

Suffering through so much grief, Babe and I tried to pull ourselves to together and stay strong. We believe Angel brought us together for a reason. Before Babe and I knew each other, Angel knew we were both hopeless romantics perfect for one another.

Till this day, we call Angel our “Cupid” and “Angel” watching over us as Babe and my relationship has bloomed so quickly and grown so deeply in love with one another. Angel was our savior. Babe and I wished that only if he was here to see our relationship grow as great as it has been even with him still here. We can’t thank him enough.

(Screen) Name: Ourangel


A Gospel Of Kama Sutra

Posted on : 23-06-2012 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Romance Love Story

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“So, do you believe in love?” Someone asked me once, and I replied, “ I feel, I am here, in this world, just to teach the world, “Love” and “The ritual of love making” , the essence of true love and how to create that sensational passionate Holy Kama Sutra……………………Poonaam Uppal.

It all started with my search for true love, which began not on the snowy beautiful peaks of Himalayas, which I originally belong to, as I call myself daughter of Himalaya. However, my search as planned by Gods, for a higher purpose, due to sudden shift in spirituality towards the west had started on dry land of Las Vegas. As of now, I am not sure when did my search for true love really begin? In adulthood, the realization or the search of my true love began in year1996, on my August trips to the ‘Magic’ fashion show at Las Vegas where I was reminded of my search… Although I am not aware, but strongly feel Las Vegas does have spiritual history. The whole west coast is vibrating with a divine energy and California, is the focal point, especially the city of Los Angeles, which is truly a land of “The lost angels”; it has a blessing of many Gurus.

Today is my last day at Las Vegas, and the final day of the Fall Magic Show which has become the largest, most comprehensive men’s apparel and accessory trade show. I know I am going to miss Las Vegas and its perpetual heartbeat, which never dies down. The snapping of shuffling cards, clicking of a roulette wheel, the clatter of tossed dice, the spinning of a slot machine, and a whispered prayer for 21—this is the doxology of Las Vegas. It’s a soundtrack that will haunt me until I return to Vegas and its music.

Excitement in casino floor is at its peak at this desert oasis. There were many dealers standing at those Black Jack tables, the tall gawky dealer whose nameplate read ‘Tim Destin, Florida’, had this look of a crazed loon out of a cage. He invited Goldy and in the next few minutes, the whole group was sitting at the table. I would have joined them too, but black jack was Latin to me. I moved far away from the table and tried to admire the lavish, Caesar’s Palace Casino, with its grand roman styling, massive columns, and sparkling fountains.

Pacing is everything in this seductive twenty four-hour city, Las Vegas. The lights are brighter, the colors are bolder and the bets are larger. As a matter of fact, everything is bigger, better and more extravagant in the Neon city. It is truly a city of excesses and over indulgence, nonetheless. I was too tired to indulge right now. I wished good night to Goldy and his friends and came out of the Casino. It was late and there weren’t many people waiting for the shuttle. However, Neon city stayed alive all night through.

Las Vegas is a strange land with peculiar vibration, every time, I traveled by shuttle, I felt déjà-vu that I have been here, when someone mentioned something, I felt that something similar had been spoken before, in this very spot. There was no way I could have been to Vegas before, as I was visiting the city for the first time, I was absorbed in my thoughts, when I heard someone calling my name loudly, I turned back, but there wasn’t any one. Once again, I heard a voice followed by a loud thunder “Moh, very soon, in 1997, you will be meeting your true love” However, I saw nobody around me. By now, I had grown accustomed to Mother Goddess, Maa Durga talking to me. Yet, this voice was unusual and very loud to be ignored, and it had come with a roaring thunder sound. I was wondering of all the places in the world, why I heard this forecast in the city of Las Vegas? There were very few people waiting for the shuttle but I had this strong urge to ask one them if they heard what I had heard, if not the voice at least the thunder, by this time, the shuttle had already arrived. As I stepped into the shuttle, the voice became more powerful and louder, “Moh, you will meet your true love in 1997”.

I reached my hotel room in a daze and gulped down two bottles of cold water. This broadcasting had shaken the life out of me. I kept thinking of the voice, which had subsided by now. Was this is the way; broadcasting was done in ancient times? Who could I share this strange occurrence with? I knew people might think I had gone absolutely, totally mentally deranged and berserk, I talked to myself “Oh my God. What’s happening to me?

This is a true love story of glamorous, stylish and fiercely ambitious Indian lass Moh Lal Rai who has only one cherished desire, aspiration on her mind to become an internationally acclaimed avant-garde Fashion designer. Destiny deceives Moh’s desires landing her in a sexless marriage in USA. During her fashion show at Las Vegas she experiences violent vibration followed by a thunderous broadcasting of her future “Soon in 1997 you will meet your “true eternal lover” on this earth…
Dragooned by powerful longing to meet her ancient lover she is now a solitary traveler of an abyss of unfathomable space and time where she is sent on a roller coaster ride to a bizarre realm of gonzo occurrences , happenings, visions, premonitions , déjà vous, divine visitation and startling revelation of her past birth and she involuntarily unravels the ancient most mystical secret of the extinct art of Kama Sutra and “Tantric Sex” once taught by Lord Shiva himself but now these cryptic writings are shrouded in the misty Himalayan valley. In a cruel game plan of higher she is compelled by a powerful goddess to become a Guru, a Love Messiah and give a prophetic message that “Art of love and love making must be learnt________ Kama sutra is the holiest of scripture and sacred most religion only through Kama Sutra human could reach Nirvana in this climaxing Black Age.
Did Moh united with her ancient lover? “How can erotica be a religion?

(Screen) Name: PAM UPPAL


About Us..(Part 1)

Posted on : 28-05-2011 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Romance Love Story

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My love story begin when I was thirteen years old. I don’t know what is the meaning of love because I’m still young on that time. From kindergarten until that time, I had very large body or in a short word ‘fat’.There this one boy who had a twins. His name is Nold and his twin is Ken. He(Nold)always make fun of me by calling me ‘fatty’ and even laugh at me in front of my friends.His twin always on my side every time Nold make fun of me. I just ignore him and I cried a lot because of what he said. I keep ignoring him and keep on my carrier as a choir in church since 2000 until I really forget about him. On 2002 on December which is holiday, I went to church as usual to attend caroling practice or choir for Christmas. Again, I met him there and he smiled at me saying “Hi Ella! How are you?” I smiled at him and nodded “Fine, Nold. Thanks” But in my heart says ‘??Why’d he act so strangely by saying ‘Hi’ to me? duh!’
So I keep singing and singing and singing until I noticed that he’s staring at me! “What?” I said. “Nothing” then he smiled. “Huh!” I exhale. On break time, my best friend, Anne and I went to toilet for ‘nature calls’. I waited for Anne and in front of me Nold smile again and shake hands with me. He said “Why you look so sad? Am I doing something wrong? I’m so sorry, Ella” I look at him and said “No, you’re doing nothing wrong.” Then I walk back to the church. I didn’t talk to him. He just look at me and talk with my best friend. I just keep ignoring him but as time pass by and day pass by, he keep busy asking ‘how am I doing’ and ‘have you eat yet’ or ‘are you okay?’ I am really surprised why he’d treat me like someone? Why he suddenly care for me? I keep asking myself. Then I give him a chance to be my friend. We’re really happy and suddenly I forgot about the old him. We are now best friend. Wherever he go, I goes to..and wherever I go, he goes to. Then on 2003 at the exact time which is on December (holiday), my best friend, Anne told me to stay out from Him. I asked why? She said “You’ll see this evening” I was frustrated by her word. So I waited on that evening. Suddenly, there was this pretty women come inside the church and look towards at us all (choir). She’s really pretty and she look at Nold and smile gladly at him. I look at Nold and he smiled back at her. I’m confuse. I looked at Anne and she whispers in my ears “She’s Ana,her girlfriend since 9 years old and she is my friend. I’m afraid she will give you trouble. I’m sorry” I was shocked to hear her. Then after the practice over, I tell Anne “Why’d you tell me all of this? He is not my boyfriend. I don’t love him..” then she continued..”But he maybe loves you..I don’t believe you had no feeling about Him. I can see how you two doing okay?” she says that to me. I agree with her, my heart hurt when she tell me that and I don’t know if I am jealous or what. And again, I ignoring him. As time pass by, he come to see me and want to talk to me explaining everything. I smile and said “Why’d you have to explain it all to me?” He look at me and said “Because I can see it in your eyes you are not okay. I m sorry for not telling you that I had a girlfriend.” then I laughed,”Hah aha, why’d you even bother about my feelings? We’re friends right? I keep ignoring you because I don’t want her to think wrong things about us.Understand?” He smiled and said”I m so sorry.” I smile and we shake hands again. Everything seems normal to me even tough it hurts when I saw them always together. Anne asked me to be patience and pray so that I can live my life on. As usual I’m attending choir practice and meet up with Ken and Nold. “Where are you going, Ella?” said Ken. “Church, practice. You didn’t go?” They looking at each other. “There’s no practice for today because our choir master and our seniors attending a ceremony in the town. They didn’t tell you?” “Oh-uh yes, I see. No wonder Easter(our choir master) call me earlier but I didn’t pick up my phone because I’m too busy doing homework.” So I keep talking with Ken when suddenly Nold said “Okay!!!!!!! Boohoo!!! Goodbye!!!!” and run away from us. “Uh..what’s wrong with your bro?” I asked. Ken only smiled and said. “Let him be like that, I will talk to him later.” I nodded and feels really strange about Nold. “Why you run away?” I text him a message and he reply me “You’re too busy with my brother..!! So be it!!” I was shocked and the I laughed because I know what it means. He’s jealous! Ha ah! Then I went home with a big smile. Dunno why but I can’t stop smiling until I can’t sleep.

(Screen) Name: N2N


A life of an american girl living in au

Posted on : 05-03-2010 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Romance Love Story

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A day in a life of a simple all american girl in a a new world ….

I grew up in New York City , a city of over 10 thousand people.. streets are busy, cars are noisy and everything seems to be moving so fast.. I enjoyed staying there I got a lot of friends whom I share my life with..a family that is so loving and a man that is so understanding.. it was the middle of the year 2009 when I finally decided to move out of the city and the country that I was used to.. I moved… I moved here in Sydney.. a much bigger place than what I got used to .. they said this is an international centre for commerce, arts, fashion, culture, entertainment, education and tourism so I got really excited and told my self that I will be a new girl … seconds, mins, hours, days and months passed by I missed my man .. my family and my friends.. I invited my man to come over and visit me and he replied with a very positive answer… after weeks of planning he already got here… I was so happy and so excited to see him after almost a year of being alone in a new country… we hugged , we kissed and we cried upon seeing each other.. we traveled around during weekends and I was so happy to show him my new found paradise … One eve he asked permission if he can just walk around and of course I said yes since I will be late for dinner ( cuz of work as usual ) it was passed half 11 pm when I arrived home and to my surprise Mike ( my bf) was not yet home… I got worried since that was the first time he went out alone here in sydney.. I called his mobile but he was not answering.. seconds turned into mins and mins turned into an hour.. I was worried and I was crying , I felt so helpless and I just prayed that he would call me.. It was 12:30 am when finally I received a call from a certain 1800 686323 I felt hesitant at first to answer it since I thought it was just another phone scam but I was glad that I did.. the prompt said I got a call from mike and directed me on how will I be connected to him.. AT LAST!!! I got relieved… It was Mike on the other line and he apologized that he just called.. I ask him what happened then he told me he got lost and he ran out of credits and he does not know where to buy some.. He said it was good that he saw the advert of 1800 mumdad in a bar with a tv in it.. I asked him where he was exactly at the moment and I went out and fetch him… bottom line of this… I would like to thank mumdad for the good service that they do give people like me and mike.. I would never know what might happened that night if there was no mumdad… thank you thank you thank you =)

(Screen) Name: chiara


A Love Story in Italy

Posted on : 29-06-2009 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Romance Love Story

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Many of days I sat by myself thinking of her. The magic in her hazel eyes touched me. Though I am far distant from her now, it is not little I have recollections of her delightful smile. On serene summer nights, as a beautiful sonata plays, she often comes to mind. I muse over what seems to be an urgent absence of her presence.However, her silhouette still gently lies upon my thoughts. In the twilight,at the drifting of a cool aromatic breeze, I dream of Ella.
As I recall, I met her on a visit to the small Italian city of Naples. Though it had been some years ago, I still remember just how she looked then. From the beginning I never fancied encountering her. As a tourist I wanted to get out and explore my surroundings. Since I had a month cessation from school in the United States, I thought this would be a perfect opportunity for me to learn something new.
My tourist guide, a man by the name of Alberto Giovanni led group of those persons who like me wanted to examine the city. I was also apart of this tourist class. Giovanni, a middle aged man, appeared small in stature. He had a noitceable bald spot. There were remaining shrieks of gray hair on each side of his head. His protruding belly was the most recognizable, although his appearance overall resembled a unique kind of youthfulness.
The indivduals present were guests with me in Italy’s finest lodgings and resorts. I had met each one prior to the tour. There was no distance among each of us. Everyone was acquainted for the most part.At the commencement of the tour we all gathered around to take pictures of the picturesque towns. Upon passing historical sites our guide would pause, and explain certain aspects of our explorations. I learned quickly the irony involved with such a beautiful and peaceful country. It was pretty much created in the midst of various civil wars.
As we proceeded along, there were a menagerie of villages and public eating places becoming quite visible to us. Fully within the limits of the foreign assortments, everyone decided to stop for a bite to eat.I wasn’t the least bit of surprised when all in the group wanted pizza, although I have heard the Italians never invented this dish. As we all agreed upon the restaurant suitable for us, there was no hesitation to repair to the chosen public eating area. Before entering the restaurant however, my attention was suddenly arrested.
It was on a balmy Monday afternoon when my eyes fastened hard upon her. I thought to myself she could be no more than twenty years of age, Ella that is. Her eyes met mine as she smiled to indicate a subtle attraction. She had been working in her father’s shop that day, and was about to leave. I distance myself from the group I had heretofore kept company with, to approach what seemed to me a fallen gem.
Of the sunlight that fell across her hair…the dye from henna leaves accenuating her long tresses…reflected from her a red tint slightly varied. The yellow nylon dress she wore was of viola decor. Her form had a regal grace. Her toenails were perfectly painted, as if by a skillful pedicurist; the black high hill shoes around her feet, complimented all too well the eye shadow across her eyelids. She was like a topaz jewel in November.
When I got to where she was standing I introduced myself. She reciprocated by giving me her name. The conversation was natural, and it seemed like we had known each other for a long time. As we both talked there came an abrupt ending. Ella’s father called her back inside the shop. He caught sight at what was taking place. From the disapproval in his voice, he did not like the idea of me exhanging words with his daughter. She quickly hurried away, but before she left, she whispered in my ear to meet her at a certain place. I made a gesture to let her know I understood her.
I again joined the company I had been with since the early morning. It was evident from the chuckles and laughs all knew what had taken place.
I was in harmony with my fellow tourists, because as fate would have it, cupid struck me with his arrow. Following our lunch we visted more sites in Italy, until it was time to go back to the hotel. Once there, everyone seperated to their own rooms to rest. Later that evening there was to be a play in which all visitors wanted to attend. As for me I decided to take a shower and freshen up, I had a date.
On the approach of twilight while the guests gathered to go watch the show, I began my walk to the Italian square. Here I would meet Ella. When I arrived I saw her sitting on a bench. There she was, her long flowing hair lying gently on her back. Just like before, she did not lack in beauty, as it was obvious to me the intoxication of her symmentry ravished my heart. It was in secret we spent the first day, and the days that followed, endeavoring to hide from Ella’s father the relationship we discovered.
It was not long before she graced my lips with hers. I was transfixed in the romance that had taken control, while the many sunsets pour floods of light, bathing the The Venice River in orange. This river her and I sailed upon. She bedazzled me with one touch her hand, and her fingertips dripped eloquence on moonlit streams. Ella told me her father did not like me. He knew I did not come from a pure Italian line, and therefore, detested me.
Although the intrique was from the beginning a taboo, I made an effort to beguile the time by holding her in a caress embrace. We chose ignore the old traditions that once threatened love, and notwithstanding her father forbidding our relationship, we saw each other everyday.Though it was premature in essence, Ella and I wanted to marry. I desired her for my wife, but how could I pass the ethnic demarcation? To elope seemed like the more preferred choice between her and me.
The weeks had become shorter since I arrived in Italy, and soon I would leave to go back home. Being in Ella’s company was amazing. As it was our amusement, Ella and I would escape to the country side to the villa her father owned. In the heat of noon the two of us engaged in a quiet storm. Far the time was spent. In our realization of this, we would make our way back to the open square where I first met her. Strange I had no inkling of a thought that soon our time together would come to a sudden end.
Usually Ella and I parted only to see each other the next day; however, on one particular night she and I would be forever parted. It would end in a sad irony. The month in Naples Italy brought wedding bells in the sweetest vision. It was bella sera when my expectations were to be disappointed. Nightfall settled in rather quickly, and while sitting in the frequented places of Italy where lovers go to enjoy a secret rendezvous, Ella and I held each other freely under the starry sky.Entwined in silence, we closed our eyes in a lover’s tide.
Suddenly, the romantic moment was interrupted. Ella began to distance herself from me. As I opened my eyes, I met hers filled with so much consternation. Looking over my head, behind me, she seemed to be speechless. I turned to see what her eyes averted to, and in amazement I watched her father approaching us hurriedly, his face flushed with anger. Taking Ella by the hand he reprimanded her for disobeying him by interacting with one uttered not a thouroughbred. He then warned me to stay away from his daughter.
I tried to reason with him, but he became even more irrational. Finally, in complete silence I watched him lead Ella away, until both passed from out of sight. I never saw Ella again. Although I made visits to her home, it was of no avail. Her father’s servant told me either she was not present, or preoccupied with house chores. At length, after irritating Ella’s father with my constant yearning to see her, I was told not to come back on pain of death.
I left Italy without hope of ever seeing Ella or communicating with her while back at home. I had no enthusiasm to return to the United States. I felt I had left a part of me behind. Six years has passed since I last seen her though, and often she crosses my mind. In the gloaming when I glean a breath of solitude, I pensively gaze into the sky, and I wonder if she thinks of me. Azure hue intermingled with a soft glow across the distance, and nights in Naples Italy with my beloved, will never be effaced from my thoughts. Because I will always remember this Love Story in Italy.

(Screen) Name: Kamusta


Chasing Light – Love Story

Posted on : 10-06-2009 | By : admin | In : Romance Love Story

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It all started whenever my family and I had moved to Lancaster Pennsylvania- the sixth school district of my short 13 years of life. I wasn’t expecting much- it was just another move. But I was so far from being right.. On the first day of school, I met this guy.. I couldn’t describe the way I felt whenever I’d first met him really and I wasn’t sure why I was acting so absurd. I felt foolish- childish even, over a boy I’d just met. And as the months passed, I had tried to focus on other things, but I honestly didn’t feel this way for any other guy I’d met. It somewhat embarrassed me. I remember him always turning to look at me during class and trying to make me laugh but I never really thought of it, and then he started walking me to the only class we had together and we started becoming extremely close. And then on February 7th, he handed one of my friends a note-a note for me, and this note would change my life forever.
We started dating that day, although I wasn’t allowed to date, so whenever I’d arrived home, I called my mother and explained to her what had happened. She was absolutely thrilled! Although, my dad didn’t react the same way as I’d pleased. He was going to watch out for me, and he ended up not liking this guy of mine. Not at all.
So one night, after 2-3 weeks of dating this guy, my dad talks to me about him and tells me these exact words- “You’re going to break up with him tomorrow. I really don’t care. I don’t like him and you should respect the fact that I feel that way towards him.” He said other things as well, but I’d rather not put them online. I was OUTRAGED. I wasn’t going to let my dad get into the way of my relationship I was having with this guy, so the next day I emailed my mom telling her how upset I was that I had broken up with him- even though I hadn’t. I’d lied about that
So because of this, my parents got into a huge argument.
I felt horrible, knowing that a lie I had given out had caused such a dent in my parents relationship. Because it didn’t end there.
Later in time, (we’ll call him David) and I had fallen in love. (although it may seem impossible because of our young age, it was true. It was definitely true). We’d thought of our future, where we’d live, our kids names, and just about everything imaginable. We trusted each other to keep the promise we held for one another, and that was to never let go. Ever. We wrote notes to each other during classes, texted each other 24/7, and talked on the phone until the other had fallen asleep on the line. It was perfect, and I was incredibly happy. But my dad disliked this completely.. And he had forced me to not see David’ outside of school, which gave me no choice but to sneak out of the house. I’d went to parties with him, I’d gone out eat with him, and we’d gone for a walk- and all but once we weren’t caught. But whenever I did get caught, (whenever I snuck outside and went for a walk with him) I had gotten everything taken away. And by this, I mean my cell phone privileges, home phone privileges, computer privileges, or any other device that would let me talk to David’. In other words- talking to or about David was illegal’ in the household. Although months passed, and nothing changed between David and I. We kept strong, and no matter what my dad would tell me, I stayed with my boyfriend.
Until the summer of 2007 rolled along.
I couldn’t see David at all during the whole summer break. I wasn’t allowed to talk to him either. I’d gotten my cell phone back, although my texting had been taken off of it, and my dad had written down David’s number( so whenever I’d call him- he would look it up online and know). I felt as if I were a bird a caged bird without a key. And whenever my father had done this to me I refused to talk to him or anyone else in my family really it didn’t seem fair. The only communication I secretly had with David was email, and my parents didn’t even know I had an email address. I wasted all of my summer at my brother’s baseball games and tournaments- because I wasn’t allowed to go out with friends (my dad was afraid that David would come over my friend’s house as well). Although ongoing through this horrible summer- we still stayed strong, and I ended up talking to my uncle Michael about the situation. He told me this: The fact that you two are away from each other like this is just making you stronger, and I do believe you two are in love- I can see it by the way you talk about him, and the stories you tell me about you two I find it inspiring- your story and I believe that if he really does love you the way I think he does he wont let this get in the way of you two. Don’t let your dad influence your life- you need to make your own decisions in life, and if your dad doesn’t like it then he’s going to have to accept the fact that he can’t control you.
I saw David once that summer- I snuck out to see him while my parents were away and we still loved each other and we were still strong- maybe even stronger. So my uncle had been correct about us and this overjoyed me.
My dad then realized what had happened, and that I was indeed in love- so he somewhat accepted it.. And he let me (whenever summer had ended) see him outside of school.
Until our parents got into a fight.
And David was forced to break up with me.
I couldn’t breathe.. I couldn’t think I couldn’t live.
Although, David had given me a promise ring- and just because we’d broken up now didn’t mean it was actually over.
We decided that we were going to test our love for two years.. And see if we were really meant to be like wed thought.
All of our freshmen year, we dated other people, and yet nothing felt the same. All of the relationships lasted for a month if even that- compared to our 7 months together. And whenever we were single, we’d go to my best friends house and spend time together there- and even at other parties like we had last year. And rumors spread throughout the school about our story, and for the people who knew about it, our story seemed like a fairy tale or an impossible movie to them. Although some things weren’t so perfect as others imagined.
I’d hurt him- my David by dating someone he absolutely hated and this horrified me. I couldn’t take the fact that I’d hurt his feelings this badly.. And I did something stupid (This won’t be listed online), and I pledged to him that I wouldn’t date ANYONE else until I could date him again.
But the exact opposite happened.
That summer I met this guy (we’ll call him Alex) and I fell for him- hard. He seemed unreal.. Impossible, like everything I’d always wanted wrapped up into this entirely perfect figure that only could stand in any girl’s dreams. I was so overwhelmed and joyous, and because of our separation over the summer between David and I, the impossible seemed to happen
I’d fallen in love with Alex as well.
So here I stand now.
Confused and so lost. David does indeed know that I’m in love with Alex but David had told me that he just wants me to be happy.
That just makes this so much more complicated.
If you have any feedback, please respond to this story I would greatly appreciate some advice- especially from those that are my age.
And yes- my story is being created into a series, I’ve started to write it already!

Author: Anne

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