Enjoying Valentine’s Day While Single
Valentine’s Day is a day of romance and pampering- a time when couples and love interests go all out to express their love. This is all fine and sweet, what about those who are single? Can singles enjoy a day like Valentine’s Day as well- or is it a day that just feels like one big bitter rub in the face?
Many couples actually enjoy Valentine’s Day on their own- it is all about attitude and how you choose to see things in your life. After all, Valentine’s Day is about love and who better to love first than yourself? If you are still single, it is okay to long for that special relationship, but there is no reason to feel down and unhappy in the meantime. You may not have a romantic relationship right now, but certainly should have a loving relationship with yourself. Use Valentine’s Day as a time to pamper yourself and treat yourself to something you truly want and know that you deserve. Give yourself the attention and love you hope someone will give you one day. It all starts with self love anyway and if you are able to love and treat yourself well first, you will also be able to do the same for someone else, and will also never settle for less than what you are used to giving yourself and know that you deserve.
So forget about moping around this Valentine’s Day! Find something to do that you will enjoy and have fun doing. Some Ideas on what you can do are:
- Staying in and watching movies of your choice, while munching on some sweet treats
- Going out with friends and having a fun, singles night out dancing, dining, going to the movies, etc.
- Cook yourself a delicious dinner, light some candles to create a relaxing mood and cuddle up with a good book where your imagination can runaway with itself.
- Spread your love by sending out cards and/or baking cookies for loved ones in your life
Make the most of this Valentine’s Day and enjoy being by yourself this time, because who knows- next Valentine’s Day you may no longer be alone and may have someone in your life to treat!
Written by expert Alina, for advice on love or any other personal issue, please click here for instant advice.