The Younger Man and Older Woman

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The Younger Man and Older Woman

Why Younger men are going after older women

 Today, the younger man-older woman relationship is nothing new. We see it happening more and more each day, yet at the same time- people still can’t stop talking about it, keeping it a taboo subject.

Why is it that when the man is older nobody says much, but when the woman is the older one, it’s such a hot topic?

I think a big part of it has to do with the fact that as a society, we have become accustomed to and trained to accept the idea of a man being considerably older than his female lover, so when we see an older woman going out with a younger man, we feel a bit thrown off.

And us older woman (older meaning, no longer in our twenties) have to hear all kinds of silly references such as milf, cougar, you name it- should we decide to date a younger man.

Quick Ramble

A-young_man_woman (18)Don’t get me wrong ladies, I loved my twenties- those were awesome, young years and I enjoyed almost every moment of it. However, it irritates me when us girlies are being referred to as “older women” once we pass our 20s decade. I mean come on, what times are we living in here? I thought 30 was the new 20? J  Seriously though, being past your 20s does not an old woman make. Older than 20-something? Yes. But “older” as an old woman? No! Perhaps it is just something one cannot understand until they reach their 30s themselves. I can understand how a teenager would think 30-something is old, but I think all of you 30-something and over hotties can agree, that once you enter the 30s realm, you really do not feel all that different than you did in your twenties- and assuming you have taken good care of yourself, you also do not look all that much different than you did in your mid to later twenties. The only difference between the 20-soemthing you and the 30-something you, is that as a woman in your 30s now, you are more confident , stable and comfortable in your own skin- and you know what you want with less fear of claiming and asking for it. Isn’t that so much better?

Back to this Younger Man, Older Woman thing…

So, it is not so hard to figure out why older women feel drawn to younger men. I mean, they have more energy than men who are older, they still know how to have fun, they are super cute and hey- they are expressing interest in us- which is a major confidence boost and keeps us feeling young and beautiful.

But why are so many younger men gravitating towards women who are older than them? I mean, one would automatically assume that all men, young and old, would prefer a new, fresh, pretty young woman- so why chase after us 30-somethings and beyond?

I went out and interviewed loads of younger men and picked their brains about this. Here is what I got:

Fewer Games- Men of all ages tend to think women, particularly younger ones, play too many games.  Since men aren’t very complicated, they do not really feel drawn to the whole guessing game thing, trying to figure out where things really stand between them and a woman they like. With an older woman, they face fewer games because she knows what she wants and makes it known, which they love because it’s less work for them in having to play mind games.A-Confidence (23)

More Confidence-   As beautiful and eye catching as very young women are, they also have a lot of insecurities. They are still growing and figuring themselves out. An older woman on the other hand has most of herself figured out and is comfortable in her own skin. Majority of her insecurities are gone and she carries herself with a confidence that men find very sexy and appealing.

Sexually Exploratory- Unlike (most) younger women, older girls tend to be more open to being exploratory in the bedroom. Their minds are more open to trying new and different things, not to mention that most older women are also sexually hungrier- which you will never hear a man at any age complain about, let alone a sexy, energetic younger man!

Age is just a Number-  No, really- it is just a number to many, many men! The younger men I have talked to said that a woman’s age is not an issue to them unless someone in the relationship makes it in an issue. So many younger men have expressed to me at how attracted they were to women who were older than them and had no problem at all with her being older. To them, age really is just a number.

Because We’re Hot!-  Yes, plenty of younger men out there are finding themselves more and more attracted to women that are older than them.  They shared the reason for this was because older women have fully developed bodies, take better care of themselves and carry themselves with a presence that screams sex appeal.

Additional Notes: The age range of men I interviewed for this article were between the ages of 20 and 29 and most of them said they would date an older woman anywhere from 3-9 years older than them, with 10 years older being the oldest they would date.



By |October 5th, 2014|Categories: Everyday need to know's|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

About the Author:

Love-Sessions favorite dating expert and writer, Alina is an expert in Romantic Relationships, as well as Dating, Sexuality and Self-Esteem Issues. Alina can be found all over the web for her insightful articles.

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