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My Parents feel extremely guilty?

Posted on : 06-01-2010 | By : manu831raj | In : Romance Love Story

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hmmm have you ever made your parents feel guilty? Well after the incident that i told you guys about in my last entry, my parents kept saying sorry to me. I don’t know if the sorry was for beating me up or if they’re saying that because, they know that i don’t truly love them? Sounds a little weird doesnt it? After Raj and Jasmine left that night…my dad came back. When he entered the house my mom told him everything that she and raj talked about. I was sitting on the sofa…with my eyes red and tired from crying, my messed up hair from the beating, and headaches everywhere in my head. When my dad saw me…he came upto me and held me in his arms. He told me that he is very sorry and that everything was just a misunderstanding. I told him that it’s fine…and if i was in your place, i would freak out too. (But ovbiously i wouldn’t hit my daughter like he did.) I was very angry at him about that, but i didn’t show it at all. In fact i kept on smiling infront of him and told him that it’s totally fine. I did this because this is what i thought was right. I should respect my parents as much as i could..(untill some kinda limit lol). But in our culture, it’s said that our parents are like god. For me..that’s not true. I see my god in my hubby, Raj. So everything was back to normal, of course now me and raj can’t meet anymore but we could talk all we want online or on the phone somtimes. K so yesterday was black friday so my parents left early in the morning to buy me a laptop (to make up for everything). It wasn’t going to get rid of the pain that i had in my body but watever. My parents bought me a sony laptop and said it was just for me but obviously it wasn’t just mine, i mean like everybody in the household could use it. So I quickly took the laptop out of the box and starting to play around with it. Later, my mom went to the store again and bought a router. It took me and raj about 1 and half days to figure out how to get internet on this laptop. haha..pretty pathetic? lol. It’s okay, it was my first time doing it and raj was just helping me out on the phone. He wasn’t physically there, which was kinda hard. Anyways, so we got the laptop to work and now it works perfectly fine. Anyways, that incident that happend didn’t really hurt our relationship at all. Actually, it made it much more stronger. The fact that i took a little bit of pain for our love, proved once again that our love is really true. I don’t know any guy who would take the responsitbility and the action to solve everything out like raj did. At one point i thought that this was going to be the end of our love…but it wasn’t…it was just a little test from god. It also made things much much better than before. Before this, my dad was extremely suspicious all the time about me. He didn’t trust me at all, and now he trusts me a lot more than before. My mom has always trusted me a little more than my dad but now they both trust me more than ever before. So i guess whatever god does…he does it for a reason..so just believe in him and never doubt him. He’ll always be there with you…and i already know that my god is with me because, my raj is with me…and forever will be.

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