My Long Distance Love
Posted on : 06-11-2012 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Long Distance Love, Romance Love Story
Tags: distance, emotional, heart., long, love
When I was 12, I didn’t have any friends. I sat by myself and everyone thought I was weird or different. Every day I would go home, do homework and plop down on the computer. One day I found this site. It was one of those meet-people virtual-world websites. I went on it everyday. It was a place of comfort and smiles that made me feel good.
One day in a chatroom I met David.
David’s avatar looked simple and simplistic. I said hi to David and he returned the greeting.
David was older. He was very friendly and I would talk to him everyday. Everyday I would come home from school excited,, do my important agendas and plop down on the computer chair. Since I was 12 going on 13 it was difficult to see what times he would be on. David lived in Ohio and I lived in California.
Everyday I would tell David about my day and he would tell me about his. We would listen to music together and live in our own little world of happiness. He never once probed me any inappropiate questions. David told me all about his life and I told him all about mine.
Days turned into months. By 6-7 months, I was used to talking to David. It was never ‘weird’ or ‘abnormal’ to me. David and the internet world was all I knew as my social outlet (at the time).
One day I realized something while I was with David. Our conversations got deeper than normal and he never stopped the conversation from going flirty/romantic. I was falling in love with David.
Around November, a few days before my birthday of turning 13, I was in the chatroom with David. It was different now. I told David I loved him. I was so scared. I THEN knew it wasn’t normal to love someone this way. David told me that he too was falling in love with me.
Okay, David isn’t some closet freak that is a pedophile. He is more normal than I was at the time. He had a job and social life and I mostly talked to him at night. We would stay up for hours just talking to eachother.
We finally agreed to being a long-distance couple less than a few days from my birthday. I was so happy and niave. David and I loved eachother, but at the time, David was much more mature and I was extremely niave. I was a little girl falling in love with a person that knew better.
The beginning of Summer.
One day, out of nowhere, David didn’t log on. I took no offense and thought he was super tired or busy. Our time zone differences put a strain on our relationship. The next day, nothing. After a few days, I got scared. I sent him bunches and bunches of messages. No reply. This went on for while.
This went on for weeks. I would cry myself to sleep every night. I would send him desperation messages begging him to reply. No such luck.
I went into a severe depression.
2 months passed…I had to get over it. I moved on. I started talking to other guys in real life and actually experienced flirting and my first kiss. It was nice.
David came back. One day it said he was online and my heart dropped. I mustered up all my bravery and said hi. The conversation was very friendly and short. He told me he was extremely busy and had no internet. I didn’t probe questions.
Eventually we were talking agian and David knew I was with other guys in real life. He didn’t like that. He begged me to come back to him and that he was so sorry for leaving me here. Like an idiot I took him back.
A process of break-up and make-up went on. We fought about alot of things as our relationship progressed. There was tears and heartache and betrayal.
There was LOVE and promises made.
When I got into high school, things changed. I made ALOT of friends and became the pretty girl. I never told anyone of my love with David. People would always wonder why I was ‘single’ or they never saw me with guys.
4 years have passed…It will be 5 pretty soon. Im really excited. It has been a hard and rocky road. It was never easy, but I made it father than most real couples did.
16 going on 17… I can’t wait to see him. I’m excited but scared. I’m scared to death. Soon I will meet the person I have dedicated my entire young adulthood to. I’m so scared and anxious. It’s a beautiful dream I’m waiting to fullfill. I’m so happy.
There is no moral point to my story. True love is real. Maybe for me, it didn’t come in the form of some tool trying to breathe down my shirt on the way to prom, but I STRONGLY believe I have found true love. It hurts and it feels beautiful at the same time. You cry and your heart throbs for this person, but you make it through thick and thin. I love this person with all my heart and soul. I’m literally shaking as I’m writing this. I’m still going through it with him, and it gets hard, but we love eachother enough to make it. We are going to make it. Love is real. Don’t ever give up!
(Screen) Name: mscherrycool1