Jenna Galvan-Oliphant. And the soon-to-be love(introduction)
Posted on : 10-03-2012 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Lost and Love, Romance Love Story
Tags: hate, love, Romance Love Story, sex
Jenna Galvan-Oliphant. A 16 year old girl with no love. After the certian inncodient 3 years ago her boyfriend Travis died. No one really speaks of his death from that point on. But his name haunts them all who has heard of his descendence. Jenna thought she could never love again. Travis use to love her and be there for her when she was depressed and thought she couldnt live any longer. Jenna’s family was torn apart. Her cousins did suicide. Her father is in Jail and her second cousin’s father is in Jail for Stagitory rape. Jenna had no love…Her mother was to busy supporting 3 children. In which Jenna was the second oldest. Travis was the one gleem of light that made Jenna feel like she actually mattered in this universe.
(Screen) Name: NadiaLove12
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