I finally meet him ( MY SOULMATE )
Posted on : 05-07-2012 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Romance Love Story, Soul Mates
Tags: deeply in love, destiny, First Love, in love, love, soulmate
June 13
(I made an account to a website that i don’t even know hw it works all i know about that is it is a dating website ^^ )
“Before i slept i was thinking that, why i made such account ?”
Next night June 14 I open again that account and when i open it after a few minutes someone chatted at me . OMG ! he’s so cute:x so i hurriedly reply at him ( him: HI! me: HELLO:) with smiley ) *blushes* just a simple HI makes me blush . hahahaha 😀
While were chatting i feel like we really know each other and thats what he feel too he said when i told him what i feel! after an hour of chattin i asked him how webcam works in this website ? then he told me that he don’t know because he is just a newbie there and just created an account yesterday (june 13) Oooh ! “DESTINY” (I’m starting to think that maybe i accidentally made an account there because its the way to meet my SOUL MATE ) and i finally met him YEY !!!
After 2 days of Chatting we finally meet *HE GAVE ME BUTTERFLIES DEEP INSIDE* He is so cute, gentleman, handsome, kind, funny, talkative everything in him is i really like and He is my dream guy also (true) but were together just a few hours 🙁
When i got home . We chatted again ^^ and decided to transfer chattin at yahoo ! he really have a good sense of humor that’s why i really really love to talk with him and he is so funny doing funny faces in webcam and dancing JAI HO ahahahha xD and that’s the reason why every second makes me fall in love with him . (now I am deeply shrink in love with him). We have lots of similarity our simcards, the way we think, likes and foods 😀 so iam so convince that he is my SOUL MATE :*
By the way i forgot to tell you at first how i call him and how he call me too . i call him NINJA BANDIT PROFESSOR SOUL MATE ^^ he call me BANDIT SOUL MATE ^^ or SM (short for soul mate)then turns to MAHALITA(me) and MAHALITO(him)
were happy now ^^ its enough for now but i will share you again gals what our love story will be LOVE YOU GALS ~tata~
(Screen) Name: banditsoulmate
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