We Meet Again
Posted on : 14-05-2012 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Long Distance Love, Romance Love Story
Tags: boyfriend, controlling, long distance, relationship
I was in middle school when I first met Josh. We talked during school and became good friends. I even had a bit of a crush on him, but I didn’t think much of it at the time. I was a pre-teen, so I had tons of crushes after all. During our last year of middle school, he had to move away again. His father was in the military, so he moved around a lot. I was sad that I was losing a great friend, and I thought I would never see him again.
Then high school came. I was in whole new territory. Eventually, I even got my very first boyfriend. Let’s call him Rick. Having Rick in my life felt amazing at the time and everything was going great, until the first day of school the following year.
I walked into the doors at school and went to hug my boyfriend. I noticed something was off and I stopped dead in my tracks before getting to him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a familiar face; it was Josh. His father was stationed overseas, so he and his mother were going to stay here for the next year. I ran over to him and gave him a huge hug. After all, he was one of my very best friends at one point and I never thought I would see him again.
Rick got jealous. He became controlling. He tried to tell me what to wear, what to do, who I could talk to, etc. Out of the people I couldn’t talk to, Josh was one of them. I really liked Rick, but honestly, I was afraid of him. I was afraid of what he would do to me or to Josh if I ever spoke to him. Rick even gave him death threats and always threatened to hurt him. One day, I was afraid he actually would. So, I went all year not speaking to my good friend. I wanted to protect him, but not speaking to him was the only way I knew how.
He moved away as promised. I was still with Rick for a while, but I finally got tired of his actions. I broke up with him, but that didn’t stop him from trying to be in my life. He would still try to visit and call me and nothing I did or said would make him go away.
Then one day I made a Facebook. I already had one, but as I mentioned, Rick was controlling and even told me who I could and could not add as a friend, so he had tons of people blocked. I ended up just making a different one. While searching for friends to add, I found one person in particular. You guessed it; Josh. I added him on Facebook and we started talking. A lot. He was now living in the next state over, over 6 hours away from me. I apologized for being a terrible friend and he forgave me.
We even met up once when he visited town to visit some of his family in the area. During this visit, I got to know him a lot more and find out how much he’s changed over the years. Shortly after the visit, he asked me if I would consider being in a long-distance relationship with him. After having such a bad relationship before, I was a little unsure, especially since he lived so far away. I thought about it, and decided to give it a shot.
Upon hearing through the grapevine that I now had a new boyfriend, Rick finally left me alone. Thank goodness! Now Josh gets to visit, on average, about once a month. In a few months, he will be going to a college only 3 hours away from here, cutting the distance in half! He has been nothing but a wonderful boyfriend to me and I only wish that I would have done things differently in the past. However, I won’t let the past interfere with our present or our future.
(Screen) Name: Anything Is Possible