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Welcome to the Love Story Blog of Love-Sessions.

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Posted on : 15-03-2012 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Long Distance Love, Romance Love Story

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I was 15,when i first know him..He is my first love,iknow him through facebook..when he added me as fren,i sent him a msg..the content ws like tiz..i need a true frenship..not first sight love or sudden love in just 2 hours.. he was so sweet,he replied me tat he would love to be my fren.. After that,i started sending him atleast 1 msg a day..I used to call him..sahna.. sometimes later,he started asking for my phone number..i was too small and scared to give my hp number.. Later,he told me that,he has to go for an enforcement course,and asked my hp number..i took his phone number.. It was a saturday,when i called him..i was at skul..He answered my call.. Happiest moment..after that,we started smsing each other..one day,he called me at midnite..i couldnt speak anything coz my sister was beside me..After that,he begged me to come and see him.. But i ignored,coz i dun love him..IT was my birthday,12am sharp..i expect him to wish me.. Sahna called me..i was damn happy.. after 1 year,sahna asked me over phone..WILL U MARRY ME? i will come to your house with my parents. I was so arrogant,that i answered him.. I will pour a hot coffee on your face..Later he never talk with me..It was my 17th birthday,i was at skul.. I brought my fren to nearby shopping ctr..On the way,i called sahna..once he pick up the phone,He say..HAPPY BIRTHDAY..I was damn happy..I dun love him,but why i expect so much from him..?? I ask my fren to talk with him while i went to a nearby shop..She askd him..are you moon’s fren? He answered..her boyfren..I know this only after a few years..I talk with him once again on Diwali nite,he was so sweet.. For the last time,on CHristmas eve 2009..he wished me for my public examinations..That moment,i started loving him..I thought of proposing him,on the day i got my results..but i have no guts..after that i lose his contact..Till now,i still love him.. I tried my best to forget him,but i couldnt..I’m gonna start with my degree this year,but still i couldnt forget him..Why you do this to me? Actually i deserves this,because i was so arrogant,proud of myself.. sorry Sahna,I still love you more than anyone..anything..I’M 20years old now..Yes,i know that its a foolishness to love a person,who i know from facebook..but he was true to me..He never talked vulgar words with me like other boyz..He always want me to study well..his only request..Thank you sahna,I still love you!

(Screen) Name: moon


Day 4: Sun or Moon?

Posted on : 06-01-2010 | By : manu831raj | In : Romance Love Story

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During the day, i breathe many times, i cry many times, and my heart well…my heart beats all the time…not so that i can live…but so that it can say your name and tell youh how much i love you. I love you soooooo much raj…soooooo much….So today i watched an indian tv serial called Pyar Ka Bandhan. In that story, there’s a mother who raises her 4 children all by herself. That mother is very poor but she has this courage that keeps her going…and that is the love of her 4 children….after a few days she finds out that she has blood cancer…..she thinks about what to tell her kids….what to do with them….how will they grow up alone? But she doesn’t tell them anything and she even spends her money for her children’s wants and needs, instead of going to the doctors to get medicine for herself…That is TRUE LOVE…..In love, the happiness of the other person/whoever you love is essential to your own…I stopped watching it but i started to think about it….It’s just amazing what love can do….that mother had a choice….A.) to take care of her children or B.) Send them to some orphanage and live her own life….stress free……Love is everywhere…it’s always around you because god is everywhere…and god is love…love is god. Anywaysz today i talked to my raj ji and it felt good to talk to him after a while…Everytime i talk to him my heart skips a beat…it feels happy….its like this feeling that you get when you know you have something so special that nobody else in the world has…..its jus simply amazing….His voice just calms me down from all the stress…and my tears just fade away…..and before i know it…..a smile falls across my face. You know it’s really funny when you ask people, what do u picture when you think of love? Many people would answer it by saying “a couple” but it doesn’t always have to be a couple…Love can be anything…it can be your dad, who u love a lot….you kids, your anything,….thats the beauty of love… But the most difficult part in love is TRUST & HOPE….two main big things….if you don’t understand those two things….you won’t have true love…..When you love somebody, you shoulld trust them with all your heart….When you have your ups and downs, you and your loved one should hope…..you shoud hope together….you should help out that special person…..you should trust and hope, as one person. When raj and I started to date….I lied to him many times, I don’t know why i did that but i did. I was a different person back then. But when i did lie to him…he knew about it. He taught me to trust and to have hope. Today, i don’t ever lie to him..and when i mean NEVER i mean NEVER. It’s pretty hard to believe isn’t it? I know, some of you guys are probably like…she’s just making it up…or she has to lie to him at least once..but no…i don’t. Every time i do something bad or something that i shouldn’t have done, i tell him. Raj is the reason why i am who i am today. He’s the reason why i have a gud heart..because if he wasnt here…i’d probably be like any other typical punjabi girl. I would be so changed that if i was to go back to how i was before, you wouldn’t even recongize me. Today I am so proud to say that I am Manpreet Kaur, wife of Gurwinder Singh. My Raj is the most loving, cutest, big hearted person that i have ever known in my life. Without you pookie, i’d be a piece of trash that would lay on the floor and be stepped on all the time. Sometimes i ask myself, “do i wana be his sun or his moon”?? If i am his sun, then i would light up his life everyday with happiness but if i was his moon, then i would help him out and shine on him during his darkest hours, when he would need a friend. Confusing? I don’t know if i want to be his sun or moon, but i sure will be his wife, his everythiing whenever he needs me. If he needs me to be and act like his sister, i will do that, if he needs me to act and be his mom then i will do that too…i will be everything and anything for you raj…you’re my life and when u need a sun i will be your sun and when you need a moon, i will be there for you i love u raj….i miss u a lot …and like every other day, i’ll be waiting for you mwuhaaaaaa i love u….

(Screen) Name: monaxoxo831

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