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Almost Love

Posted on : 09-09-2012 | By : Love Story Writer ... | In : Fictional Love Story, Romance Love Story

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Liza always kept a pen on her.

She was always jotting down notes, quotes and potential story ideas. Her phone was always ringing, a mixture of calls from debt collectors and well-to-do government officials. She had a pretty stable relationship with the local newspaper covering Queens’s government stories. Always in town meetings and in the city hall office, Liza was making a decent living as a freelance journalist. It had been her dream for many years— since she used to chase the chickens on her family’s South Carolina farm.

Liza was naïve, but she always knew that Charleston never had much for her, since she moved there at the age of 8, she developed an extreme disgust for the town.

When Bertha, a category 5 hurricane came through and wiped roofs clean off, knocked out power lines, uprooted trees and dissected her high school, she wished Bertha would have took it all. Charleston was a figment of her imagination – nothing ever seemed real there. Her friends didn’t seem that way, they’d always make jealous remarks about her family’s wealth or the nerds she had classes with. And those who mattered died. Senior year was particularly hard, as she had to attend three of her friend’s funerals; Kevin’s head was rolled over by a trailer after he fell out the bed of a speeding truck. Felicia was stabbed in a fight, and died of complications resulting from her asthma. Kemal committed suicide after he received his SAT results. His note said, “I’ll never amount to anything.”

Charleston was a beautiful residential area with great schools, but it always represented sad memories to Liza. She had become numb to the world living there. She would walk down the streets and see nothing but snakes and lizards, and realize that she forgot how to connect with real people. She longed for the big buildings and lights that she saw on the television screen. To her, New York was where all dreams came true. She envisioned that at the sound of her southern accent, a man would sweep her off her feet as soon as she landed at John F. Kennedy airport. He’d propose and they’d get married and have cornbread instead of cake, and go on a honeymoon to Maui. Then they would get a beautiful apartment on 74th street across from Central Park and play tennis and eat at the Boatyard restaurant in the summers and hold hands while ice-skating in the winter.

The polyphonic ring of her phone brought Liza back from dream world. She tended to doze off while she was riding the train, she didn’t like eye contact with any of the creeps. One time she made eye contact with a guy who referred to himself as Michael the Prophet. He looked into her eyes and saw her future. He saw an alcoholic husband, three kids, lots of credit card debt and a miss America crown. It was sad, and one part frightfully accurate. She vowed to never make eye contact again.

She answered.

“Hello,” she said, with a hint of southern charm.

“Heeeeyyyy,” a man on the other end of the line excitedly said. “I didn’t think you’d pick up.”

She was used to two voices on that line, the bureaucratic monotone voice of government officials or the spritely voice of her fiancé, James. She had memorized all the debt collectors’ numbers and purposely did not answer.

Liza played along.

“How are you?,” she asked.

“It’s so good to hear your voice. It’s been forever, how have you been?”

Liza was beginning to feel a familiar tingle in her heart. She pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at the number in an attempt to see if she mistakenly answered a bill collector’s call. She replayed the numbers in her head, six-one-seven; she didn’t recognize the area code.

“I’m really well, working a lot, but not getting paid enough. You know the deal.” It was a generically safe answer, she thought even if it was a bill collector.

“I’ll give you a hint. I used to have a big crush on you back in the day.”

Liza blushed at the thought of some age-old crush stalking her. She was very private and almost untraceable on Facebook and other social networks. The only unsolicited form of communication she received was spam, and bill collectors – but they were human spam anyways.

His voice was starting to sound really familiar. She paused for a few seconds, looked up at the top of the train and grabbed her bottom lip firmly. Who could it be? Her and James had been together for the past seven years, so it would have to be someone from her past. She’d only been in New York ten years.

All of sudden she put a face to the mystery voice.

“Tony!” She screams, before he even confirmed. “Oh my gosh! How are you??! Where are you? Tell me everything.”

She was just as dramatic as he had left her 15 years ago, when he almost made love to her as a young kid. He lived down the street from her farm and they’d always spent their nights together to make Charleston seem less dull. When he was 9, him, his brother and their mother moved to Charleston from Boston. Fifteen years ago, when she was 16, he told her he loved her. Liza would never forgive herself for backing down and not being brave enough to give her heart to him. He was planning to leave on plane back to Boston and never come back; he hated Charleston like they all did. She couldn’t blame him, although she was hurt that he wouldn’t stay for her. Still they fell deeply in teenage love, sneaking out to smoke weed underneath the banana tree or spending the days on islands only accessible by jet-skis. Although Tony was recently married, he always thought of Liza as the one who got away, telling all his old girlfriends about her and reminiscing on his teenage years in sunny, desolate Charleston.

“I’m in town for the weekend, your brother gave me your number. I just wanted to know how you were, maybe we could get a coffee or a bite to eat,” he said.

From the conversation, Liza gathered that Tony still lives in Boston and works for a political office, they have a conference in New York once a year. He just found out that Liza lived in New York when he went down to Charleston to see his mother for Thanksgiving. Liza had spent Thanksgiving with James.

A few hours later, Liza and Tony met up at this little place in Greenwich Village where you could get wings the size of chicken legs. They laughed, talked about their relationships, their families, etc. It was a good time.

The sun was still up, all her deadlines were in the past and James was out of town, so she respectfully accepted when Tony invited her to go bowling, like the good old days.

James job requires him to travel a lot, he’s a retail salesman for Giorgio Armani and he has to go to fashion shows all over the country for their respective fashion weeks. That’s why James is always dressed in the nicest suits and knows the exact purses to get Liza.

Tony won, as usual. He was always surprisingly good with a bowling ball. The way he tippy-toed up to the line and precisely laid the ball down to slow but steady pace. Twenty seconds later all that could be seen was the dark abyss of the mystery behind the lane and the resonating crack of a strike. At this point, Liza was debating why she even came to the alley; she was loosing so miserably 63 points to 214. Tony would slightly rub it in her face and ask if she wanted to put the kiddy gutters up. “No,” she said with a pouted face, which Tony noticed hadn’t changed in 15 years.

The polyphonic ring again. “Hello,” she said.

“Hey honey, I landed. I’m in Milan. I went straight to the set, they changed the fashion show time… and I’m still waiting on luggage with the remaining suits, we’ve only got two here.”

Liza listened until he took a breath to ask how she was doing. “I’m well,” she said. “I’m out bowling with an old friend. I’m loosing pretty badly,” she giggled. He wished her a good time and good luck on the game.

Liza and Tony had got tired of bowling and Tony decided to give Liza a tour of his suite at the Gansevoort hotel. The Gansevoort was particularly special hotel, and Tony believed Liza would enjoy the twists and turns of the staircases and the modern decor. They toured the pool, Jacuzzi, fitness room, spa area before going up to see the view from his Penthouse.

Liza lived in New York, but Queens didn’t have views like this. She ran to the window as soon as he opened the hotel door. The glass encompassed the whole back wall, and the city lights were as potent as ever—like lifelike fireflies. She lost her breath for a second at the sight of it all. The sun was setting and the sky was a special tinge of orange, pink and purple.

Tony came behind her, admiring her small frame, long black hair with red streaks that glistened in the sun and round buttocks from a far. He came behind her and whispered “Beautiful.” Liza startled at the warmth of his breath on her neck, and clumsily turned around so they were face to face. “Yes, I’m not used to this,” she said. Tony took one step closer to her, staring into her big hazel eyes. She hadn’t blinked for some time, and her eyes were beginning to water. Liza turned back around to admire the scenery, scared what she might do if their eyes remained locked for a second longer.

She put her head down. She wasn’t sure which body part to operate with, her head or her heart, She felt one thing, but knew she should do another. “Thank you for showing me this,” she said coldly.

When she looked up, two hands were pressed firmly against the glass on either side of her ears. She was a little frightened, but the experience felt so familiar. She missed the smell, she ran her hands through his curly tuft of hair, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her heart racing yet calm at the same time.

Tony kissed her softly on the neck.

He said, “Please stop me.”

But she couldn’t bear to. His hands felt like they belonged on her hips, which they were now resting. She grabbed his large hand and gave it a firm tug, to let him know that she wanted more.

He moved her hair to the side and he rhythmically began kissing her neck watching the sun set over the city before them. Tony turned Liza around and their lips met. Both felt like they had traveled into a time machine where they were two 16 year old sneaking out of their parent’s house to kiss by the lake.

Tony kissed her like he had dreamed. He picked her up and forced her back against the glass window. She winced, and felt her body grow warm inside. The kisses transformed from slow and endearing to fast and sloppy. Soon Liza was gripping his toned biceps for support against the window, her nails feeling his flesh. He pinned her to the window with his chest and groin and proceeded to take off her dress and then his shirt. His body warmth felt so good, and the smell… she took another deep breath of his essence.

She threw her head back in pleasure. She was enjoying it he thought, as he felt her wetness on his chest. He wanted to give her what she had been missed as a teenager, but a knock came at the door. It was his Democrat buddy seeing if he wanted to watch the US Open with him. Tony not-so-respectfully declined with a loud yell through the door. With that he twirled Liza around off the window and put her bare body down on the bleach white sheets. He crawled on top of her, kissing her face, neck and collarbone, his surly back the only thing to be seen from above.

The phone rang. The ring was familiar— it was James. She reached over Tony’s toned body with her left hand, the six-carat ring caught a twinkle from the sun’s final descent and she immediately began to think with her brain.

(Screen) Name: Atti Thony


I miss him….

Posted on : 06-01-2010 | By : manu831raj | In : Romance Love Story

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it’s been way too long……….too long. I haven’t met raj for about 10 days. I remember when i had to leave to go to india for a vaction/to study. On the way to the airport all i could feel was my tears falling down. My parents wanted me to study in india for a whole year. That meant that i wouldnt be able to see raj for a whole year. I was so far away from him yet sometimes i felt as if he was right there. When i got onto the plane all i cud wish for was a miracle that just took me away from everything and let me hold my raj. I took my seat on the plane and waited for it to take me so far away from him. I prayed and prayed for all this to be a dream. But no, it was reality. When i got off the plane at the airport in Delhi, i noticed that he wasnt here…besides me. That’s wen it hit me..that now im alone. I walked up to see my uncle waiting there for me along with my my moms uncle. They were so happy to see me and my family. I smiled and tried not to let out my tears. My uncle, Ranveer grabed my arm and held me in his arms. For a second, i just wanted to tell him everything about me and raj right there, so that i cud at least cry. He told me that i had grew so much. Last time he saw me was when i was 5 years old and now here i am infront of him as a 13 year old girl. We got into the car and started to head towards Punjab, my home. I asked them how long is it going to take? All they cud say was just go to sleep manpreet. Later i found out that it takes about 8-9 hours from Delhi to get to Punjab. Yea, a little overwhelming? First i had to leave raj in America all alone, second i had to sit thru 15 hrs. on the plane, and now 8 more hours to get home? lmao i was tired as hell but i didnt close my eyes throughout the whole journey. I wanted to call raj…tell him once more that i love him so much. When i reached punjab everybody just wanted to hug me and talk to me. I was quiet and i didn’t want to talk to anybody. Although i had to act as if i was having lots of fun. After a few days, i had to attend my uncle’s marriage(not ranveer, hes only 20). This uncle was also my mom’s brother but he was older than ranveer uncle. After the marriage, i had to go to school, like every other kid on earth. School was an interesting experience in india. Apparently they called 7th grade 7th class over there….lol. I had a tough time with everything. They made me make up every single work that i missed. I stayed up every nite filling out my notebooks with all the work i had missed since the begnning of the year. Sometimes i used to cry while doing my work, and i told everybody that i was jus worried about my study. At nite, when i was sleeping my aunt told me that i was talking in my sleep in english. She cudnt understand me..thx god or else she’d probably kno that i was talking about raj. On the outside, i was a jolly little 13 year old kid but from the inside, i was turning into somebody that i didn’t even recognize. I wasnt the same manpreet anymore. I didn’t cry….i didn’t sleep….i almost stopped eating. If anybody asked me if i had already eaten, i wud just say yea i did. But the truth was that i was hungry like crazy, but i wanted to be fed by raj. I wanted to eat,sleep, and have fun with him and nobody else. I hated everybody…i stopped going to school after 15 days. I just cudn’t take it anymore. I hated to sit along the window at nite and just stare at the pitch black night. I hated it when i cried and nobody was there to ask me if i was okay. Somtimes i asked god why does he do this to so many people? why is he doing it to me? I thought that he was punishing me but i soon realized that it was all a test from him. God wanted to know if we truly did love each other. He wanted to know if i would forget about raj and start to think of some other guy….he wanted to know if the love that i had and if the love that raj had was actuallly true. Some time in August, i sat in the room alone…looking at my aunt’s cell phone. I knew what i was doing and i knew if i had gotten caught i wudnt have any excuses of why i was talking to a boy. I reached for the phone, and hid inside the closet. It was a burning hot day and i was sweating in the closed closet. I dialed his number with excitement and fear. When he picked up, i heard his soft, smooth, and sweet voice. His voice healed that hole that was riped into my heart when i left him there. I cud tell that he had jus woken up when i heard his voice. He said hello over and over again and thats wen i noticed that i was crying…silently. He told me to talk and the silence between us told him that it was his manpreet. He knew it was me yet i hadnt even said a word to him. I didn’t say anything becaz i was afraid if he had moved on. I know, im stupid to think that way. I thought that raj wud have started to like some other girl after i left. It had been 5 months already now. I didn’t go to school but i started to eat, and sleep a little after i heard his voice. Towards the end of August, i called him again. This time i actually spoke to him for about 2 mins. At first he didn’t believe that it was me calling him. But later i told him that i was coming back from india in September. I heard his voice fill with joy and i had a real smile on my face after so long. After a few days, i was packing my suitcase. Everybody asked me to just stay but i cried and whined how the school isnt good for me and that im going to fail every class that i took. That was just an excuse to go back to india. It took me really long to convince my parents to let me come back to America. They spent a lot of money on me. They bought me my uniform, shoes, books, and they payed for the school fee. It was a lot of money that i had wasted but i knew that i cudnt live without raj. I just couldn’t take 6 more months of pain…it was too much. I sort of felt bad that i wasted their money so much but if i had stayed in india longer, i wud have wasted a lot more money…and i probably wudnt be alive. I was so happy to leave india. Everybody was sad but i was the jolly one out of everywun. I cried a little so that they don’t think im weird or something. Ranveer uncle, and my two aunts droped me off at the Delhi airport. I was sad to leave my real home, but the truth is that wherever my husband is, that is where my home is. My parents, sister, and brother had left a few months earlier than me. I stayed in india with my grandma, aunts, and uncles. In india everybody treats you like their child, so staying away from my parents wasn’t a big deal for me. I waited for my plane to be called so that i cud get on board and fly to America. When i heard my plane’s name, i felt so happy to know that i was going to be in my raj’s arms very soon. First of course i had to sit thru a 15 hour ride. lol…I reached america and my parents came to pick me up from the New York airport. This was the first time i had ever been on a plane by myself….it was kind of scary but i knew my raj was with me so i didn’t have to worry about anything. My mom hugged me and my dad did too. They said they missed me alot and that they are glad that i came back earlier. Even though they were the ones who fought me and tried to force me to stay in india.lol…parents…they so weird. I got into the car and i didn’t fall asleep thru the 15 hour plane ride or the 2 hour ride from the new york airport to philadelphia. When i reached home, my eyes were tired. I went to my room and saw the phone waiting for me. I grabed the phone and i didn’t have the energy to dial the numbers. I fell onto the bed and finally slept in peace after 6 months. Next morning i called raj asap. I heard his voice and he told me how he went through the same thing as i did. I couldn’t believe that he waited for me…for so long. I couldn’t believe that i waited for him for so long. I don’t anybody on earth who wud go through so much for their loved one. Those 6 months in india, were awful but that time proved to me that we were meant to be for each other. We started to meet again and things were back to normal. For the first few weeks, i had to change back to the real manpreet that i had forgotten about in the past 6 months. Soon things were perfectly good again. I guess God got his answers….and that answer was from me and raj. We proved to him that we together were….2 hearts but 1 soul. Those 6 months made us stronger. The fact that we waited for each for so long told us how much love we had and still have for each other. Today i sit here and im whinning about 10 days? ha funny. Because, i know if i could make it through 6 months of pain….i could definately wait for him for 10 days…..forget 10 days…i wud wait for him for the rest of my life if i had to..,..just because we’re not always together, doesn’t mean that we’re going to break and shatter into pieces. Somtimes you have to have hope….and when that hope is strong enough, you’ll know that you have something so special that nobody in the world has. That could be….your love or anything small. Hope is one thing that keeps us together. Trust is the biggest thing that makes our tiny strings of love stronger and stronger every and each second…..hope…. and trust……forever.

(Screen) Name: monaxoxo831

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